Page SVT Energy Skin Care- I mean Seventeen: Move Back?

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(Carat's you know what's up) 😏

"D-Date?" I stutter.

"Not a date date, a friend date." He responds cheerfully. Thanks Hyuck. That didn't hurt.

We walk to a smoothie place and order our favorite drinks before sitting down.

"So, what's up? I know somethings wrong. You don't have to tell the boys, you can just tell me." Hyuck says.

"Well... " I begin.


I approach the gate to meet all the boys.

Well, all but one.

After I told Hyuck about me moving, he left and began ignoring all my calls and text.

"Hey Y/N! Do you know where Donghyuck is?" Jaemin ask.

"Nope, no idea." I half lie. I knew where he was... as far away from me as possible.

I'm sad he's avoid me. I was hoping we could spend as much time as possible together before I left, but I guess he wanted different.

School ends and Jaemin pulls me toward the group of boy, not including Donghyuck.

"Y/N, can I come over today?" Jaemin ask. I had to think. My mom isn't home and I want to spend time with him so I say yes.

We get to my house and Jaemin points out how empty it looks. That's because most of my stuff is packed in boxes.

He runs up to my room and immediately notices the difference.

"Y/N, why do you have a suitcase in here?" He ask with a perplexed expression.

I tell him everything.


None of the boys are talking to me.

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