Page Four: Friends?

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Haechan rolls his eyes as he makes his way into the seat next to mine. Why him? It could have been anyone but him. He sits down and turns so that his back is to me. 'If he's friends with Jaemin he can't be THAT bad, right?'

"I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. So hello, my name is Y-"

"Don't care." He blurts.

Why is he being so rude?

That class felt like it took FOR.EVER. but when it's over, I'm first to run out. My next class is art. I like art, I'll probably have much more fun in there than I did with Haechan.

I walk in and see Renjun at a table off to the side. Oh, I forgot we have this class together. He signals me to sit by him which I gladly do, and the teacher begin to speak.

"Today we'll just be doing a free draw, I want to see what level each of you are at." The teacher announces. I take out a piece of paper and start drawing. Renjun does the same.

"How was your day so far?" He ask, trying to make small conversation.

"Pretty good, up until last period." I scowl.

"Ah, you have that with Haechan don't you?" I nod. "He can be a bit much sometimes."

"Tell me about it." I remark. We spend the rest of class talking and joking around. I think about how strange it is that Renjun is so nice, yet so close with Haechan at the same time.

My final class for the day is English. This class was going to be an easy A for me since I already know the language. I sit in an empty seat and notice two familiar faces sitting across the room. I look down at my schedule. 'Chenji?' I ask myself. Both the boys were Freshmen (year 10) so I question how they're so close with Dream who are juniors (year 11), and even Mark who's a senior (year 12). (There are only 3 years in Korean Highschool)

The school day ends and everyone leaves the building.

As I step outside the gates, Jaemin runs up to me and grabs my hand.

"Hey Y/N! How was your day?"

"It was fine, but I'm exhausted. I think I'll just head straight home." I share. He nods and waves goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" He shouts.

In the mids of my walk, I see one of Jaemin's friends following closely behind me. 'What was his name? Heno, or Jena?'

"Jeno." The boy says. 'Oh gosh, did I say that out loud?'

"Yes, yes you did." He speaks again.

"Oh, my bad." I bow, feeling embarrassed.

"You're all good." He assures with a smile. I can't help but notice his eyes smiled too. He looks like a puppy.

We walk and chat for a bit until we reach my house. Wait, this morning he was walking in front of me which means-

"Bye Y/N. See you tomorrow!" Jeno interrupts my though and takes off in the direction we originally came from. 'We must've already passed his place. He went out of his way just to walk me home?' I question.

The thought made me smile as I enter my apartment building. Our apartment is small and cozy since it's only made for two people, but I like it regardless. My aunt always works late so I almost felt like I have an apartment of my own.

I change into comfy clothes and turn on my TV, wasting hours away until I fall asleep in preparation for tomorrow.

Deskmates | Lee Haechan/ Lee DonghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now