Chapter 10:10 Donghyuck's Kindness

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A week after being locked in detention, me and Jaemin still aren't talking. It makes me sad but at least me and Donghyuck are close- *thud*

"Did you just kick my desk?" I ask with a serious face but in a joking tone.

"It was an accident. I was just... swinging my legs." He lies, smiling at me.

"Oh, an accident? You mean like this?" I say, kicking Donghyuck's shin. Not too hard, but not too soft either.

"Ow!" He yelps as he grabs his leg. We both giggle and I stare at him. His giggle is really cute.

"Are you two causing a disruption?" The teacher ask, pointing to us.

"We're not, but you are." Hyuck replies. Everyone, including me begins to laugh. The teacher rolls his eyes and goes back to writing on the board. I start taking notes when Hyuck slides my pencil out of my hand.

"Hey, give that back!" I shout. 'It's like he enjoys annoying me.'

(Donghyuck P.O.V)

'I love annoying her. She looks so cute when she's annoyed.' I think as I decide to steal her pencil.

"Hey, give that back!" She shouts, mumbling something to herself afterwards. She sits to my left so I give the pencil to my right hand. She reaches across me to try and grab it, but it's barely out of her reach. I laugh as I hold the pencil up in the air.

The bell rings and I reluctantly give it back to Y/N.

We walk down the hall together and she starts softly punching me.

"Ow, what's that for?" I ask.

"For my pencil." She says. She tries to punch me again, but take a few steps away front of her. She tries once more but I hold out my hand to stop her.

 She tries once more but I hold out my hand to stop her

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"Are you done yet?" I smirk.

"I'm not scared of you." She responds.

"Oh yeah?" I flip her hair over her face and run away.

"Lee Donghyuck!" She yells.

(Y/N P.O.V)

"Lee Donghyuck!" I yell as I fix my hair. I look up to see him making a face at me.

 I look up to see him making a face at me

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'How mature'

"You two are so cute." I hear someone say, interrupting my thoughts. I turn around to meet eyes with Renjun.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Nevermind. Let's get to art." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to follow him.

We get to class, sit down, and start painting to complete our final project before winter break.

"Jeno told me to tell you that he can't walk you home because he's got practice today." Renjun informs, speaking up out of no where.

"Dang it, and it's supposed to rain. I don't have an umbrella." I sigh. Oh well.

Now I'm in English and I rant to Chenle and Jisung about all the things that'd happened with Hyuck earlier.

"And then he ran away! Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" I say, finishing my story.

"Couple goals." Jisung says in English, pretended to cough.

"What!?" I blurt, maybe a little too loud. The class gets quite and turns towards me. I bow to the teacher and everyone turns back.

"Sorry, I've been on the internet a lot recently." He explains.

"Yeah, but if you and Haechan were dating, it'd be kinda cute." Chenle buds in.

"Sure, I guess." I look away from the boys. Why is everyone saying weird stuff lately.

School ends and I group up in front of the building with most of Dream. Jaemin is nowhere to be found.

"Sorry I can't walk with you." Jeno apologizes while facing me.

"It's okay." I assure, giving him a sad smile. In the corner of my eye I can see Donghyuck gazing at us. He slowly approaches me.

"Maybe, I could walk you home?" Hyuck offers.

"It's alright, you don't have to-"

"Come on, let's go." He begins walking, completely ignoring my refusal. I sigh and jog to catch up with him.

As we cross the first street, I can't help but to notice him staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask while giggling. He looks away and says,

"It's December and all you're wearing is a t-shirt, tsk."

"I am a little cold, but-" Before I could finish my sentence, Hyuck takes off his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders. "Oh, t-thank you." I say and he smiles.

After another few minutes of walking, it begins to drizzle.

"Um, Hyuckie, do you have an umbrella?" I question.

"Hyuckie?" He lift one eyebrow. Oh no, I accidentally used the nickname I only call him when talking with Jeno on our way home.

"I stuttered because of the cold." I lie. Donghyuck shrugs and takes out his umbrella, holding it above both of our heads.

We tease each other, Donghyuck moving the umbrellas so that a little rain gets on me, and even going as far as to jumping in the biggest puddle he could find, getting us both wet. Soon we reach my house.

"Do you want your jacket back?" I ask.

"Nah, it looks better on you." He winks, turning around to leave me flustered on my doorstep.

I walk into my apartment, only to be greeted by my aunt.

"Hey Y/N." She says.

"Hey auntie." I reply.

"Who's that boy you were just with, he doesn't look like Jeno?"

"Oh him... he's my friend, Donghyuck."

"Donghyuck huh, he's good-looking. You two should date." My aunt says, making me choke on my spit.

"First, ew, second, there's more to dating than looks. I mean sure, he's smart, funny, he has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen and- wait, what were we talking about?"

"Mmhm," My aunt hums, walking away.

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