Chap 4

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Courtney's POV

After getting settled in at Nash's place, he was going to take me to dinner. We've been dating for three days now. "I need to look my best," I said. So I quickly changed into a nice pair of jeans, black flats (even if it was 20 something degrees outside), a white tee, a black leather jacket, and my light blue infinity scarf that had white snowflakes on it. I redid my makeup and loosely curled my hair. "Now I'm ready." I walked to the living room. "Nash, I'm ready to go."

"Alright," said Nash. He turned to look at me. "Wow."

"What?" I asked. "Did I forget something?"

"No, it's just you look gorgeous as always," said Nash.

I giggled, "Thank you." I smiled. "Where exactly are we going?"

"Okay, it might not be the most romantic resturant," said Nash.

"But?" I asked.

"How do you feel about Chipotle?" asked Nash.

"Ooo! Sounds good," I said. "I'll order my favorite."

"You have a favorite off the Chipotely menu?" asked Nash.

"A burrito with two sides," I said.

"And how much does that cost?" asked Nash.

"Two dollars," I said.

"Okay, then how do you feel about eating at Chick-fi-la?" asked Nash.

"Nash, I don't care where we go as long as we're together," I said.

"Okay," said Nash. "You're making this really hard."

"I don't care where we go, Nash," I said. "All I know is that I'm starving."

"Why are you always starving?" asked Nash. "Do you have a tapeworm or something?"

"No," I laughed. "Nothing like that." I smiled. "I just have a huge appetite that doesn't seem to be satisfied." I looked at Nash. "Unless I do something about it...which I am...right now but we aren't exactly headed anywhere."

"How about a Big Mac?" asked Nash. "We'll eat at McDonalds."

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

"A girl with a hearty appetite," said Nash. "I like that." I looked at Nash. "Do you know how many girls watch what they eat?"

"Hey, I eat whatever I want," I said. "I wasn't put on Earth to impress anyone. I am here to be myself." We got into his car. "And that's exactly what I'm doing."

"You're impressing me right now," said Nash. "Not giving a care what others think." I looked at Nash. "Too many people care is what I think."

"They do and I don't understand why," I said. "You're you. Be who you're meant to be because everyone else is taken."

"Well, you can say that again," said Nash. We ate dinner and went back home. "Tonight was a great night with you."

"The one of many," I said. "I'm glad to be here with you."

"Well, I'm glad you're here with me," said Nash.

"Thank you for such an amazing night," I said. "I haven't had one in forever."

"I'm glad to have made it amazing," said Nash.

"I'll see you in the morning," I said smiling. "Good night."

"Good night," said Nash. "Oh, Courtney?"

"Yes?" I asked turning around.

"We're going to see Carter at his apartment tomorrow morning at eleven," said Nash.

"Okay," I said. I walked into the room and closed the door. I changed into my jammies and took off my makeup. "Thank you for an amazing time, Nash Grier. You don't know how happy you've made me." I fell asleep dreaming about the night.

Nash's POV

I woke up at ten thirty the next morning. "Crap!" I exclaimed. I quickled showered and got dressed. Courtney was in the living room putting on her jacket. "Hey."

"For a guy who told me we were getting to Carter's at eleven surely got up late," said Courtney.

"I kinda overslept," I said. We got into the car and I drove us to Carter's apartment. We walked into his apartment about eleven ten. "Hey guys. Sorry we're ten minutes late."

"Nash overslept," said Courtney.

"Oh, you're fine," said Carter. "We're just here to hang, you know."

"Yeah, we're discussing what we should have for lunch," said Brittany.

"I'm telling you Nash is going to want pizza," said Cameron.

"You don't know that for sure," said Brittany.

"He's right," I said.

"Okay but you don't know what kind of pizza," said Brittany.

"Cheese," said Cameron.

"Pepperoni," I said.

"Let me order it," said Carter feeling around his pockets. "I can't find my phone. Where's my phone?" He checked the sofa throwing the couch pillows on the floor. "Where is it?!" He checked the bathroom and the fridge. "I can't find it!"

"Carter?" asked Brittany.

"What?" asked Carter.

"Check your hand," said Courtney.

"Ohhhh," said Carter pointing at his phone. He started laughing. "Sorry. Airhead!"

"You think?" asked Cameron.

"I'll step out to make the call," said Carter closing the front door behind him.

"So, how's Nash and Courtney?" asked Brittany.

"Doing alright," said Courtney. "Our fourth day together is absolutely fabulous."

"Fourth?" asked Brittany.

"Yeah, she probably never got around to telling you," I said.

"No, she didn't," said Brittany.

"What about you and Cam?" asked Courtney.

"Got together yesterday," said Cameron.

"Two large pepperoni are on their way," said Carter walking in. "I think that'll feed the five of us."

"Five?" I asked. "Where's the rest of the guys?"

"Couldn't make it," said Carter.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Hayes is helped your mom with something, Shawn is recording some new music, I have no idea what Matt is doing, and Jack and Jack are always together doing something crazy," said Carter. "You two and the girls were the only ones that were able to make it so you guys can eat most of the pizza. Not saying that you will but you can take some home is there's some left."

"Thanks Carter," said Brittany. "That's very nice of you."

"No problem," said Carter. The pizza arrived and we stared eating. We ate and talked for about five hours. "You guys always have stories."

"Yeah," I said. "Dude, it's already four."

"Seriously?" asked Courtney looking at her phone. "You gotta get me to AMDA."

"What's going on there?" asked Brittany.

"A dance coach is coming in to see me at four fourty five," said Courtney. "I wanna keep my position I had at AMDA LA so they are having the coach at AMDA NYC coming to critique me."

"I gotta get her to the school," I said. "I'll see you guys later."

"Good luck," said Brittany.

"Thanks," said Courtney.

"Okay," I said as we got to the car. I drove her to the school. "Break a leg Courtney Boo." I looked at her. "Only not really."

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