Chap 5

14 1 0

Brittany's POV

Cameron dropped me off at home because he had some errands to run. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. "What is there to watch?" I asked flipping through the channels. "Nothing." I laid on the couch and got on my phone. "Nothing to do." I took a selfie. "Mind as well post something."




brittanyyy___: laying on @camerondallas couch waiting for him


nikadallas: r u like best friends with him?

alexakeisha: no way! Lucky!

magconxox: *likes 1000 times* ur so lucky to know someone like Cam


Hours passed and Cam still wasn't home. "What's taking him so long?" I asked as I looked at the clock on the wall. My phone started ringing and I didn't recognize the number. "Hello?" I answered.

"Yes, is this Cameron Dallas' girlfriend?" asked the girl.

"This is her," I said.

"I need you to come to the hospital right away," said the girl.

"On my way," I said. I grabbed ghe car keys and sped to the hospital. I walked up to the front desk. "I'm looking for Cameron Dallas. I'm his girlfriend."

"Brittany Ruth?" asked a doctor walking up to me.

"Yes, Doctor," I said.

"I'm Dr. Shayden," said the doctor.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

"He was hit by a drunk driver," said Dr. Shayden. "The drunk driver immediately died on impact. You're boyfriend was lucky to make it out alive."

"The consequences?" I asked.

"He has a broken right femer," said Dr. Shayden. I looked at him. "A broken right leg, a concussion, and memory loss. I don't know if it's temporary."

"How far?" I asked.

"All he could remember was everything up to Thanksgiving day," said Dr. Shayden.

"He probably doesn't even know that I'm his girlfriend then," I said.

"You can see him," said Dr. Shayden. "Just take it easy on him."

"Yes, sir," I said. I walked into Cameron's room and closed the door. "Cameron?" I sat down next to him as he looked at me. "You probably don't remember me."

"Brittany?" asked Cameron. "Brittany, right?"

I smiled. "That must be a good sign," I said.

"I remember you from instagram," said Cameron.

"Or not," I said as I frowned. "Look, Cameron. I can't fill in what happened after Thanksgiving but I can fill in the past week."

"Considering you're not freaking out around me, I'm going to trust you," said Cameron. I explained him the whole week in detail all the way till I was finished. "So, we were locked in a girls room, went back to our convention, we hung out, and then we started dating?"

"Those are the main points," I said. "But yeah. You're my boyfriend."

"Do you have any pictures?" asked Cameron.

"Yeah," I said. "Since the first day we met to the one this morning." I handed him my phone and he looked at the pictures. "Hey, that's my house."

"Yeah, you're letting me sleep in the guest room," I said smiling.

Nash and Courtney walked in. "Hey Nash," said Cameron.

"I can see you're okay," said Nash.

"Who's the girl?" asked Cameron.

"That's Courtney," I said. "Nash's girlfriend."

"When did you get a girlfriend?" asked Cameron.

"Three days ago," said Nash. "You don't remember?"

"I don't remember anything," said Cameron. "I don't remember anything after Thanksgiving day."

"I filled him in over the past week but that's it," I said.

Cameron's POV

"Yeah and she showed me pictures," I said. "I look so happy."

"Because you are," said Brittany. "Or was."

"I'm not making a very good second impression, am I?" I asked.

"It's okay," said Brittany. "You were in an accident."

"Who did I crash into?" I asked. "Are they alright?"

"Uhm, Cam," said Brittany. "A drunk driver crashed into you." She sighed. "He died on impact."

"What?" I asked. "He's dead?"

"Yeah," said Brittany. "But it wasn't your fault."

"Britt, can I talk to you for a sec?" asked Courtney.

"Yeah," said Brittany.

The girls walked out of the room. "You okay buddy?" asked Nash.

"I think I'll be fine," I said. "I just wish I remembered who Brittany is." I looked at Nash. "She's an awesome girl."

"We'll take it one day at a time," said Nash. "Just like we do everything else."

"Nash, I just wish I remembered all those things I did with Brittany," I said. "Especially when I asked her to be my girlfriend."

"I'm sure your memory will return," said Nash.

"That's the point. What if it doesn't return, Nash?" I asked. "This accident is the cause that can change my entire life if I don't remember what happened."

"Cam, take it easy man," said Nash. "Look, I'm here. The guys are going to help you through this and so are the girls." I sighed. "But Brittany will be along side you every step of the way." Nash looked at me. "Only because for 1.) she lives with you and 2.) she loves you Cam."

"She loves me?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Nash. "Courtney tells me what Brittany thinks of you."

"Why can't I remember?" I asked. "I wish I can remember."

"We'll get through this," said Nash. "You got your best friend right here."

"Yeah, thank you for always being here for me bro," I said.

"It's no problem, man," said Nash. "I'm always here for you."

"Thank you," I said.

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