Chap 6

17 1 0

Courtney's POV

I closed the door to Cameron's room. "How you holding up?" I asked.

"Not good," said Brittany as we sat in the waiting room. "My own boyfriend doesn't even recognize me." I looked at Brittany. "Well, he recognize me off instagram. He just doesn't know I'm his girlfriend."

"I'm sure in time, things will work itself out," I said.

"Courtney, I don't want him to forget me," said Brittany. "Because of this crash, I can lose him from my life for good because he doesn't know that we are together." She hugged me. "I just hope he still feels the same way even thought he just met me again."

"I know you truely love him, Britt, but trust me on this," I said. "In time, Cameron will love you. Just think of this as a speed bump in the road."

"What are you saying?" asked Brittany.

"Couples go through things that try to tear them apart but they get through it making them stronger than ever," I said. "I know you and Cam are going to get through this and come out as a couple again. It might not be as fast as a week but I know that the two of you will be together again."

"Thank you Courtney," said Brittany. "I guess the best thing I can do is hold Cam's hand through the next couple of days to a week."

"Yeah, that won't be necessary," I said. "He remembers everything but after Thanksgiving." I looked at Britt. "I'm sure he'll be fine. The thing you two need to work out is the awkwardness that's going to be going on between the two of you at his house."

"Yeah, that's going to be the hard part," said Brittany.

"Just sort things out," I said. "Things will be back to normal in no time."

"I love that you're here," said Brittany. "You help make bad situations good by staying positive."

"What else can I do?" I asked. "My best friend is in need and I'm here to help."

"Thanks," said Brittany as we stood up. "Let's get through this challenge."

"Whenever you need me," I said. "I'm only a phone call alway."

"Let's go back in and see Cam," said Brittany.

"Yeah," I said. "We should." I knocked and walked inside with Brittany. "Hey guys. How's everything going in here?"

Nash's POV

"Good," I said.

"Hey Brittany," said Cameron. "If you wouldn't mind, after I get out of here, would you like to go get something to eat?" I looked at Brittany and smiled. "Let me know what I should already know about you. Let's just start over?"

Brittany smiled. "I would love that," she replied.

"I told you," said Courtney.

"Well, let's see what time you can leave," I said. I checked his reports. "Doctor wrote down, release time: 6pm tomorrow."

"But it's only nine pm," said Brittany.

"Doc's keeping him overnight for observations," said Courtney.

"Oh," said Brittany.

"Okay guys," said a nurse walking in. "Visiting hours are over."

"Oh, okay," said Courtney.

"Take care, Cam," said Brittany.

"Brittany," said Cam.

"Yes?" asked Brittany.

"Can I count on you to be my ride tomorrow?" asked Cam.

"I'll be here at noon so we can have lunch and then dinner when you're released," said Brittany as she smiled at him. "Good night."

"Good night," said Cameron. "Night guys."

"Night Cam," I said. Courtney and I walked Britt out to her car. "You going to be okay driving home?"

"Yeah," said Brittany. "I'll be fine."

"Does it feel weird?" I asked. "That Cam asked to start over?"

"Yes and no," said Brittany. "Because it tells me that he's willing to give us another chance even thought he doesn't remember." I nodded. "The yes part is to re-explain who I am to Cam."

"I'm sure the two of you will pull through," I said.

"Thanks Nash," said Brittany.

"You're welcome," I said. She got into her car and drove off. "I have faith in those two."

"Me too," said Courtney as we got into the car. "I believe they'll get through this."

"This is probably one of the challenging obstacles in their relationship," I said. "Probably any relationship for that matter."

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