Chap 9

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Brittany's POV

There was a knock on my door and I opened it. "Yeah?" I asked.

"It's time," said the director as she handed me the white bedazzeled mic. I looked at it. "What is it?"

"This isn't the mic I requested," I said.

"We don't have time for a problem," said the director as I closed the door behind me. I followed her. "You're going to have to use that mic. I'm sorry." We stopped. "This is where you enter."

I nodded a she left. "And you call yourself a school for professionals," I said.

"And here's Miss Brittany Ruth peforming Pretty Tragedy," said the MC.

The music started playing. "You think I'm always out of line," I sang walking out onstage. "I'm too fast or falling way behind." I stopped center stage and looked at the audience. "Mistakes are made the fault is mine." I looked at Cam. "I'm screwed up but hey, this is my life." I smiled. "Can you take me as I am? 'Cause I don't see the point in explaining if you just don't understand. 'Cause I can only be what is truely me." I smiled as I walked to the front of the stage. "So what if I'm not your version of perfect?" I looked into the audience. "I'm sorry that wrong just feels so right. I wouldn't change a thing about me 'cause I know who I am inside. I'm a pretty tragedy. I'm a pretty tragedy." I smiled and I walked to the steps leading onstage. "I don't always look before I step." I walked down the stairs as a spotlight stayed on me. "I'm just an extraordinary mess." I smiled as I stood in front of Cam. "Can you take me as I am? 'Cause I don't see the point in explaining if you just don't understand. 'Cause I can only be what is truely me. So what if I'm not your version of perfect? I'm sorry that wrong just feels so right." I walked back to the stairs. "I wouldn't change a thing about me 'cause I know who I am inside. Pretty tragedy. I'm a pretty tragedy. I'm a pretty tragedy. I'm a pretty tragedy." I walked back onstage and center stage. "For the sake of sanity, I just need some room to breathe. So excuse my apathy. I'm a pretty tragedy!" I held the note for a while. I took a breather and kept singing. "So what if I'm not your version of perfect?" I got offstage and hugged Cam. "I'm sorry that wrong just feels so right." I walked back onstage. "I wouldn't change a thing about me 'cause I know who I am inside. I'm a pretty tragedy. I'm a pretty tragedy." I walked to the door onstage and put my back against the door. "I'm a pretty tragedy..." I slide down against the door as the lights faded out. The audience applauded and I quickly made an escape to my dressed room. "Okay."

I put my hand on the knob. "Brittany," said the director.

"Yes?" I asked turning around.

"Your mic," said the director.

"Oh, sorry," I said handing her the mic. I went into my dressing room and closed the door. "Whew. That went better than I thought."

Cameron's POV

I went backstage to Brittany's dressing room. I walked inside. "Hey," I said as I saw Brittany. "There's my little superstar."

"Little?" asked Brittany. "Oh great."

"No, you're not little," I said realizing what I just said. "You were perfect."

"Thanks," said Brittany. "I am just a little paranoid."

"Why?" I asked.

"Scouts were in the audience and I walked to make a good impression," said Brittany.

"Well, a camera was on you the whole time and you did hugged me," I said. "Since you know me, I'm sure the scouts won't think twice."

There was a knock on the door. "Okay," I said. I opened the door and a guy walked in. "Please come in."

"Brittany Ruth, I'm Eddie Martin," said the guy handing her a card. "I'm a director for Broadway and you are a perfect girl to be part of the Broadway productions."

"Seriously?" asked Brittany.

"Is it because of me?" I asked.

"It has nothing to do with who you are," said Eddie. "Even if you are the famous Cameron Dallas." I looked at Eddie. "You have an amazing voice that doesn't need to be mic'd but we will still mic your voice for productions."

"You want me to perform on Broadway?" asked Brittany.

"Whenever there's an audition, I'll let you know," said Eddie. "I have your contact information." Brittany was smiling. "We'll be in touch." He left.

I closed the door. "Oh my god," said Brittany. "I did it."

"You did," I said as she attacked me with a hug. "You did it!"

"I get to be on broadway," said Brittany.

"Yes you do," I said kissing her. "You're a star or going to be a star."

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