Alpha's Candy (Chanbaek)

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In this society, there are three different groups.

Alpha, omega and beta.

Alpha - alpha people are on top for this society. They are the lead people among these 3 groups. They are to find their destined partners to mate <to get married and spend live> (Mostly men, rare case for women)

Beta - Beta are one class lower than Alpha, but they can take Alpha place but more powerless than Alpha in seducing or finding their partners. (Equal amount of men and women)

Omega- Omega are the preys of the society. Alpha will haunt them for mating. Omega has their heat period where they release the scent that Alpha can find their destined partners. (Mostly women, rare case for men)

With these levels, what will be Chanyeol's group?

Will his first one sided love friend will be his destined partner?

Author's note

Hello guys, this is my ahh... 7th or 8th fanfic. I started writing Chanbaek fanfics since 6 years ago.
Please look forward to this interesting story about chanbaek too. 💛

P.S: I got an idea from reading Japanese Mangas and stories about Alpha and omega things.

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