Happening - 5th Side Chapter

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8 months of pregnancy

"Hey..babe, go down the stairs slowly..." chanyeol says as he helps baekhyun walk down the stairs

"It's quite tiring...haha...Loey ya... you will only be strong if I do some exercises and eat well right?" Baekhyun says and rub his belly

"Yeah.. mommy needs to eat well.. I will walk with you this evening babe" chanyeol says

"Sit.. slowly.." chanyeol slowly let baekhyun sits....

"He's going to be a very strong baby boy

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"He's going to be a very strong baby boy." Baekhyun's mom says

"Yeah..look at his father.. he surely will take after our chanyeol" Baekhyun's dad says

"Dad! How about me? Won't he take after me?"

"Some of your prettiness. He surely well" his dad replies

"Your favourite tteongmandutguk (dumpling and tteok soup)" his mom says

"Wow.. it looks so delicious" baekhyun says and try to take a spoonful but...

"Orttt!!!" Baekhyun starts his morning sick

"Babe... do you want to take medicine for nausea?"Chanyeol asks

"No... I'm afraid it might be bad for my baby."

"But.. you have to eat.."

"No... I don't want to... I will go and lie in bed now" baekhyun says and gets up

"I will take you upstairs.." Chanyeol says and helps baekhyun


Baekhyun starts eating fruits from 8 months of pregnancy onwards.

And Chanyeol walks a lot with him in the evening in their yard.

Plus, chanyeol takes a Long leave from his work.

Important meetings are held in his study in this house.

Because baekhyun keeps calling him whenever he's at work.

Baekhyun just can't stand the loneliness without his Alpha especially with this pregnancy.

Baekhyun gains a lot of weight but he's quite healthy.

Their healthy days pass..........


"Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Chanyeol!!!!!! Park chanyeol!!!!!! It hurtssss... yahhhh!!!!"

Baekhyun screams as he is taken in hospital stretcher while chanyeol following beside the stretcher

"Babe.. I'm here.. I'm right here" chanyeol says

"Please wait outside, all of you." The nurse says and baekhyun is taken into the operation room.

"Mom.. it's going to be a baby boy right? They both will be healthy right?" Chanyeol says being Super worried

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