Happening - 54

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Chanyeol's POV

I haven't talk to him since last night.

And today morning too, I have meeting with my shareholders.

And that shit too.

I don't think baekhyun wants to talk to me when I am with my angry face.

"I... I will go now. See you" he says and gets out of the car first and go...

I sigh out... suffocating..

I should buy cake for him tonight. Or flowers.
"Sir, shall we go straight to the meeting room?"Mr. Dong asks

"Okay." I say and head there.

"Half of the shareholders might already be on Kim's side. So, sir.."

"I know. I am prepared" I say and go into the meeting room

As expected... only about half people stand up and greet me like usual.. others faces are ....

People are really hard to deal.
Let's hear them talking first.

"Heard some of you guys, ask me to come for this meeting. What's it you guys want to propose?" I say

12 original shareholders plus that guy.

I can see 7 of them are already in Kim's side..

"We will get to the point. But, we have decided to vote for new CEO. Since it some of the employees are speaking..."

"Ah.. hah.. at first I convinced myself to listen to you guys first but... even the start sounds so stupid that I can't listen more and waste my time" I say

They seems to be surprised .. by my confident? 🤷🏻

"Mr. Dong? Hand papers to them" I say

While he gives them copies...

"Look carefully. The ownership for MY companies are under my name. Not my dad or mom. So, you can't probably take me down as a CEO. Plus, even if you guys sum up your shares, it's nothing compare to mine. And Mr. Kim Min ssi....."

"Yes Mr. Owner ssi?"

"Thank you for raising your investment amount in MY company... I really appreciate it"

"You are more than welcome." He says

"So.. we will leave now" those who sided with Kim's... leave first.

"We will be waiting for you in your office sir" those are on my side says ... I nod to them..

"I now know why you are so full of yourself Mr. Billionaire" Kim Min says

"All thanks to my parents."

"I see. Don't you think you have to thank me for yesterday?"

Yes, actually, He texted me yesterday that he's with baekhyun...that pissed me off more.

"Why would I? I already file a case at police station for a kidnap"

"Hahaha... you are an amazing person park chanyeol ssi. I wonder to what extend you can hold onto my baekhyun"

"Your baekhyun? Mind your words when he's already wearing a ring with me"

"Ah... I saw it tho. Too bad, he's gonna make his choices. Will you respect his choices by then?"

 Will you respect his choices by then?"

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