Happening - 14

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Chanyeol's POV

"Are you going to wear that again to the office?" I ask him

He washed up himself and walk out of the bedroom

"Coffee?" I ask him

He slowly sits on the dining chair


I chuckle by how he called me 'stupid' for so many times last night

"I'm just your middle school so-called friend outside the company" I say

So-called friend.. because I felt more than friend to him

"But still..."

"Why did you pretend? Like we are stranger?"

"Because we are........ now"

"So what were we?"

"Someone used to know?"

"Aw.. is that so?" I say and mentally sigh

Disappointed... to hear that answer from him..

But what was I expected?

"Have your coffee.. I will get ready .. and don't run away" I say and go into bathroom
I go out after  I shower and get changed.. He's still there still

"Here" I hand him my coat.

"At least change coat" I say

"But... but.. it's too Long" he says

"Obviously right? Since you are short" I say
In a car,

I see him taking a pill

"Why do you use pill? Are you that shame of being an Omega?"

"No. It's because Alphas are scary"

"You will be with me anyway"

"I'm not Sir"

"What do you mean last night by 'you are my Alpha' then?"

"I'm sorry, my words made you confused. I was just drunk talking"

"Is that so?"

After then, we arrive at our office.

"Thank you for the ride sir. I'll go first from here since I don't want people to see" He says

"I don't care"

"But I have to sir" he says and leaves the car

Why are you resisting so hard Byun baekhyun? I would rather want you get drunk than this type.

Baekhyun's POV

I am now feeling all the shame of last night


Why am I this weak to alcohol?

Did I really say he's my alpha???

Then I'm so doomed..


"Oiiii... baekhyun ssi" Suho hyung stops me as I was rushing into our office

Ah.. he's already there

"Good morning Suho nim"

"Aww.. morning... but... you look... quite warm today... haha. Why I get the feeling this coat is our CEO's size?" He comments

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