Happening - Ending

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"Uwahhhhh!!!! Superbbbb" baekhyun screams

"This is soooo niceeeee... crystal clear ocean!!!!" Suho joins screaming

"Do you love it Luhan ssi?" Sehun calmly asks luhan

Baekhyun and suho glare at him

"Who's he? Where's Oh Sehun?" Suho says

"Well well.. stop fighting as soon as we arrive... come babe. Let's go to our room.. here these are your key cards" Chanyeol says and gives out key cards to suho and Sehun

"And.. here yours mom and dad" Chanyeol says

Yeah... he will never leave Baekhyun's parents alone back in Seoul.

This is more like family vacation rather than a honeymoon.

But. Baekhyun wanted this.

There's no way chanyeol would not grant his love's wish.


"Do you like this place?" Chanyeol asks baekhyun as they walk toward to their room

"Of course! I don't even know how to describe. I always wanted to come to this place"


"My destined alpha" baekhyun answers with his sparkles eyes

Chanyeol lifts him up and carries him in bridal style and to the room.

As soon as they get into the room... chanyeol drops baekhyun and ...

Chanyeol starts kissing baekhyun deeply

"Hmph..,. W..wait..." baekhyun breaks the kiss and... "shower.. I will shower first" he shyly says

 I will shower first" he shyly says

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"No.. I can't wait" chanyeol says

He pushes down baekhyun onto bed and hovers over a small boy

Chanyeol takes out his clothes and baekhyun quickly blushes just by looking at those abs

"Daze?" Chanyeol smirks And he starts stripping Baekhyun's clothes and pants

He licks his two fingers and start putting in baek's hole


"Shit.. it has been a while right?" Chanyeol says

"Ha~ yeah... it's.. tight"

"I know right...and it...warmmm" He twists his fingers left and right

"Hah... c.. chanyeol.. it hurts.."

"Hurt? Or it's feel good?"

"... haa~~ it's... nice"

"That's cute.. now spread"

Alpha's Candy (Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now