Happening - 40

773 61 24

Baekhyun's POV

Ahh... my head hurts.. and my back...

I look beside ... he's sleeping.....

I.... I had my first sex with this man beside me.... Kim Min hyung

I was very painful but, I found some pleasure from it too.

It's only... 4 am in the morning but... I should go back....

I don't want to feel awkward in the morning

I quietly get out of bed... but ouchhhhhh

My back... ouuuuuu.....

I'm dying...

But thinking back, he was gentle. Despite of his cold eyes..... he was very careful .. his kisses were soft... plus his touches...

No wonder girls can't get over him after a night.

Well, with me is also like a one night stand for him, just like he said to the girl earlier.

A sex with me would be nothing for him tomorrow.

I quietly wear my clothes and grab my things and walk out of his house.

"I should call for taxi now" I say quietly to myself standing in front of the main door about to leave.

"It's 4 am"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I scream

Since a voice appear from the behind out of fucking nowhere

"H....hyung!! You scared me to death"

"Where are you going?"


"It's 4 am"

"I know. I'm calling taxi"

"Do you have to go back? Can't you stay? Am I being left as one night stand this time?"

He's asking me to stay.....

"I don't want to sleep alone tonight" he adds

I walk back... towards him...

"I said I would help you right?" He asks me as I stand in front of him...

He pulls me into a hug..... "I think I will be doing things that I would never do with another person."

What does he mean?
Is that mean... he will start loving me?

No no... don't jump into the conclusion... you know what kind of person he is.

"How come you have shaken me this much Byun Baekhyun?"

Did I?

Did I do or? Did my Omega nature do?


From that day onwards.... I end up living with him most of the days after school.

The time we spent together was almost 50% friend or Hyung relationship... 50% lust or sex relationship....

I bet he changed.... he became to care more... talk more.... and treat me softly..

But his eyes were still cold...

Then, after graduation, I moved back to Korea, where I left him .... with all my ambitions and aims, I left him...

All I think was I need to find work and start earning money.

May be I'm the one who's selfish.. for everyone.

I think I'm.. very selfish

End of Flash Back in Swiss

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