Happening - 30

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Chanyeol's POV

As soon as it's lunch time, I rush over to Marketing Department...

"CEO nim! Do you miss me?" Suho says

I only see suho and another guy..

"Where is .. baekhyun?"

"Ya! Greet your friend first will you?"

"Aw.. hi... where is he?"

"Cruel.. he's out for lunch early. He is eating out"

"Eating out? With?"

"I'm his department head.. not his mother"

I texted him - "where are you?"

But no replies from him.

Where did he go?


Urgh... I ended up having my favourite sandwich in my office.

"Sir, Mr.Michael requested to meet at _ _ _ Restaurant. Since he will be leaving back to Canada tomorrow"


"Yes sir"

"If he told me earlier, I wouldn't eat this sandwich.. I'm full now"

"Do you want to leave now?"

"Okay. Let's go"


When I go down,

I see baekhyun with that guy... his friend .. Do Kyungsoo coming back into the office

So.. he went out for lunch with him?

Our eyes meet..... but he quickly looks away and walk away faster

He's not even replying me.... is something wrong? Does that guy bully baekhyun often?

"Sir?" Mr. Dong calls me since I'm stopping and staring at his direction

"Aww... let's go"


On the way, I text him..

"Baekhyun ya? Are you okay? Your face didn't look fine. Is something wrong? I will pick you up this evening. I will be waiting"


"I want to rest today. Don't wait for me" - Baekhyun

I think something is wrong.
He wasn't like this in the morning.
Did that Do Kyungsoo guy say something to him?

Aish.... headache...

"Sir? Are you having a headache again?" Mr. Dong asks

"Awn... a little"

"Are you taking your prescription medicines from the doctor?"

"Been awhile.. I stop taking.."

"Sir, I think you need to take them."

"Since I found him.. again... I stop taking."

"But still...."

"I'll take .. don't worry"

Those medicines huh?
If Baekhyun's here, I won't need it anymore.

At Restaurant,

Me and Mr. Michael are talking about some business and I agreed his project proposal.

He invited me to visit Canada next month and .. I told him I will think about it.

*message buzz*

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