Chapter 7

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All the Members of the luxury entered the dining area. Phoebe sat beside her mother and on her right is Hades family. Hades pulls out a chair for her. She thank him and sat down. Sitting around are many powerful businessmen and women as well chairmen and chairwomen from different groups of companies. They all discuss business proposals, investments, and future company projects. After a while dinner was served. Phoebe ate quietly and listened to her parents discussing the JS group which is her father's company.

"I heard that JS Contraction is going to this Year's convention" Mr. Kim said. Mr. Kim is one of Phoebe's dad's college friends. He is the Chairman of the Jeguk Group.

"Yes, We were hoping to get projects and business partners at the convention" Phoebe's Dad said. Mr. Kim nodded and turn his attention to Phoebe.

"Ms.Han told me that Your daughter took over the Cinema-park production company" Mr. Kim said. Phoebe looked up.

"Yes, She did and she's doing a great job. It's been a month since she took over she already has a theater show" Phoebe's dad brag which made Phoebe smile. Phoebe grabs her wine glass, the glass was about to touch her lips but Hades stopped her. She looks at him and gave him a confused look.

"Stop it has 70% alcohol in it" Hades said and took the wine glass away from her.

"Since we're talking about the Cinema-park Production we were hoping you can send us a production team for my husband's new movie" Mrs. Ortega said. Phoebe turns in her direction and notices that everyone was looking at her. "Sure we can talk about it at a meeting. I'll ask my secretary if I'm free on Saturday" Phoebe said and Mrs. Ortega nodded.

Dinner continued so far all the small talks became business talks and business proposals. One of her Mom's friends Ms. Sanchez which is a Youtube creator asked Phoebe to promote her cosmetic line and asked her to review and show it to her fans. Since she is a famous model, It will be a great way to promote her cosmetics line. So she immediately said yes.

"And who is this beautiful young lady" Phoebe turns in the direction of the man's voice. It was Mr. Cater he is the CEO of the IT Magazines. He was asking Hazel.

"Oh, this is Hazel Frans. One of our family's close friends." Phoebe said. Mr. Carter nodded and went back to eating.

The Dinner party ended and the guest slowly started to leave. Mrs. Carrington was at the exit of the venue bidding her guest goodbyes. Phoebe's family walk towards the exited and bid their goodbyes to the Carrington family.


Phoebe stoops out of the car wearing her uniform since it's Monday. She started to walk towards the main entrance of the university. As went up the stairs, she was approached by Sheila Mrs. Ortega's daughter. She is Phoebe's close friend.

"Phoebe! I heard from mom that you are the CEO of the Cinema-park Production" Sheila said linking her arm around Phoebe. Phoebe smiled at her and nodded.

They entered the school and head to their lockers. Phoebe opened her locker and took out her literature book and business management book. She closed her locker and turned around to chat with Sheila.

They chatted about Sheila's Father's new movie. Phoebe notices a sweet couple walking in their direction.

"Hey, Bianca!" Sheila cheerfully said. Bianca is Ms. Sanchez's daughter, her parents were divorced because their marriage is clearly for business. Her boyfriend named Owen is the son of the CEO of A Telecommunication Company.

"Hey, Sheila and Phoebe" Bianca said. They chatted in front of the lockers for a couple of minutes.

"I heard a rumor that Austin Muller is going back to school this year" Owen said.

"No way... This year is gonna be chaos" Sheila said. Suddenly all of the students are rushing towards the main door.

"What the hell?" Phoebe mutter. She grabs one of the students by the wrist and asked him what's is going on.

"He's back" he said and runoff. Phoebe and her friends stare at each other confusedly.

"Already?!" Bianca said and turn to Owen.

"You didn't say that, He's going to arrive today" She said and playfully hit his arm.

They rush to the main entrance and saw a lot of students gathered in a circle leaving a space for the person standing in the middle.

"Wow he's even wearing a uniform" one of the students said. Phoebe pushes through the crowd and ends up in front of the new student.

"Oh!... the princess is here. Long time no see" He said smiling at her. Phoebe scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"How have you been?" He asked. Phoebe crossed her arms.

"I was doing great" Phoebe said looking at her nails, pondering what color she should paint them.

"Was??" He said raising his eyebrow. She looks up and smirked at him.

"Yes was. I was doing great until you came" She said. Phoebe notices that he is clenching his jaw.

"Oh that's not how to treat your big brother" He said. All the students gasp.

"What are you talki-"

"What's going on here?" Phoebe was cut off when she heard a familiar voice she turned her head to the left and saw Hades walking towards the big crowd of students. The students started to step aside to let him pass through. The moment he saw Austin hatred was shown on his face.

They stare at each other for a very long time Phoebe and the other students felt a very tense atmosphere. The other students start whispering to each other. Their staring stopped when Hades spoke.

"Austin Muller Your back" Hades said glaring at Austin. Austin Muller aka Hades' ex-friend. Austin and Hades used to be best friends before he met Phoebe and Alistair. Austin is the grandson of the Owner of Muller Airlines.

"I miss you my friend" Austin coldly said staring at Hades while an Emotionless face. Alistair arrived and stood beside Hades.

"Don't be nervous I won't do anything to you... For now" He added making Hades's jaw clench.

"I think we should greet each other... I'm sure that the students might think that we still hate each other" Hades said and smirked at him. They stared at each other. Moments later Hazel walks in pushing through the crowd. Her eyes are stuck on a book that she's reading. She stopped between Hades and Austin. Looking up and she notices all eyes were on her.

"And who is this new face? I have never seen you before" Austin said. Looking at the poor girl who is very confused about the situation that's happening around.

"I just tra-" Phoebe cut her off by pulling her by her wrist.

"Don't even think about it!" Phoebe warned. Moving Hazel behind her back, protecting her from Austin.

"What's the matter, Phoebe? I'm just asking her " He said. Phoebe glared at him.

"We all know what happen last time," Phoebe said.

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