Chapter 15

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After the board meeting, everyone started going home. Hazel followed her mother around looking for Phoebe, a few minutes later they found her talking to Austin. As they get closer her mother started rushing towards them and pull Phoebe to the side. 

"You called your grandmother into this..." Her mother yelled. Causing Hazel to flinch.   

"I didn't-" 

"You think, that calling your grandmother can help you. Well, think again."

"I didn't know that nana was coming" 

"I am going to put Hazel in charge of the Cinema Park." 

"Mom! You can't do that... I-I've been working my ass off to make that crappy theatre the best. Tomorrow is the opening night of the show that I and my staff has been working on for months!" 

"I don't care. I will take the theatre from you and give it to Hazel to train her to be a candidate." 

"No... You can't... I-I don't understand why-y" Phoebe's tears started falling. She wipes her tears and she walks away. Hazel follows her to an empty office. 

She sees Phoebe pacing around the office. Crying. She was about to walk in. When someone stopped her. Hazel looks up and saw Alistair shaking his head. They suddenly hear glass shattering inside the room.  

"Oh god... No... Phoebe!!" Alistair shouted. Phoebe picks up a big piece of the broken glass and clutches it in her hand. Blood starts to flow down her hand. Hazel gasps making Phoebe look at her. 

"You... This is all your fault... You suddenly showed up in my life and took my life away from me. You took my future. My family. A-and now you're taking the only thing that I have been working on. The only thing that distracts me from my parents' is neglecting me." Phoebe rants. Alistair immediately rushes to her hugs her and gently pats her head. Comforting her. They slowly sat down on the floor then Phoebe slowly lets go of the glass  and cried in Alistair's arms

"Call Hades. Now, Tell him Code P." Alistair calmly said. Hazel pulled out her phone from her purse. She was about to dial Hades' number when she realize she doesn't have his number. 

"I don't have his number." She said. Looking at Alistair. 

"Use my phone it's on the left pocket of my coat his number is on speed dial number 5"  Alistair said. 

Hazel walked over to Alistair's coat on the chair where he threw it when he rush to Phoebe. She reaches down to his left pocket pulls out his phone and dials Hades' number. After a few rings, he picks up the phone. 

"Alistair now is not the right time. I don't want to party-"He said in an irritable voice. 

"No... T-this Hazel-"

"What? why do you have-" 

"He asked me to call you and he asked me to tell you Code P?" She said.  She suddenly heard a chair falling and a door opening. 

"I-is everything ok?" She asked worriedly. Then she heard a car door closing. 

"Where are you?" He said with a serious tone. 

"We are at the Js Main Building." As soon as she said that he immediately drop the call. 

They waited for hades for a while. Alistair moved Phoebe to the couch. She eventually stop crying and fell asleep in Alistair's. Hazel sat on the couch across the room fidgeting her fingers, staring at Phoebe's hand. After a few minutes of waiting Hades finally arrived. 

"What Happened?" He said and rush towards Phoebe. He examines her hand. 

"Tell me everything right now," Hades said looking at Alistair.

"I don't know. I just came here. I was about to go to the board meeting when I saw Pheebs in this room" Alistair explained. 

"Then what happened here?" Hades asks. 

 "There you are-, what the hell happened here?" Austin walks into the office. He scans the room and saw broken glass on the floor and small pools of blood. 

"That is what I've been asking ever since I came here," Hades said waking Phoebe up. 

"I just had I small break down" Phoebe said. Everyone looks at her. 

"Small this isn't- Tell me what happened" Alistair said creasing her arm. Phoebe went silent, it's clear that she doesn't want to talk about it. 

"The board didn't agree with Mr. Astley and Mrs. Astley's suggestion about replacing Phoebe with Hazel as the candidate. Phoebe tried to suggest a way for the board to change their mind. Then suddenly her grandmother showed up. So it's still a no.  Her parents were upset so..." Austin explained to Alistair and Hades. 

"They put Hazel in charge of the Cinema park. So that she can train and prepare to be a candidate" Phoebe continues and sigh. "Anyway, let's go..." Phoebe stood up and collects her things. 

"Where are you going?" Austin asked as phoebe pass him. They all stood up and starts to follow Phoebe.

"I'm going to a hospital to get this treated" Phoebe said referring to her hand. 

"I'm coming with you" Hazel said. Phoebe stops walking and turns to Hazel.

"No, you going home" Phoebe sternly said and look at Hades.  "Take her home for me. The last thing that I want is my mother screaming at me wondering where she is" Phoebe said.

"Wait what about you? Who's going to take you home?" Hades asks.

"I'm going to be fine. I have my brother and Alistair with me" she assured Hades. He nodded and stands beside Alistair.

"Can you hold this for me?" She asks Austin and gave him her bag and coat. Austin gladly accepts it and presses the elevator for her.

"Can I borrow your phone?" She asks Alistair. He turns to Hazel and Hazel gave his phone to Phoebe.

"Thank you" she whispered and opened Alistair's phone.  She dials someone's number. The elevator finally opens and they walk in. Hades presses the parking lot button

"Hello... hey it's me... Are you still in the theatre?... Is Stella there too?... Can you do me guys a favor?... Can you and Stella Uhm..." She pauses and walks out of the elevator "remove my things in my office..." Hazel hears Phoebe say. As she and Austin walk to his car. Hazel turns to Hades, he nodded and guides her to his car. He opens the car door for her and walks over to the driver's side of the car.

Phoebe, Austin, and Alistair arrived at the Emergency room to get her hand treated. The nurses clean her wound as they waited for a doctor to stitch her up.
The doctor arrived and begins to suture her hand.

"What happened to your hand?" The doctor asks.

"I just had a minor incident when I was moving the furniture around. Turns out the glass table has a sharp corner" Phoebe said and chuckled. The doctor nodded and continues to stitch her hand.

After the incident, Phoebe stayed in Austin's house. Mommy Alice didn't want Phoebe to attend school since she injured her dominant hand. So she stayed in her room playing video games. Austin would come into her room and play with her and keep her company until her hand was fully healed.

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