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Y/n=  your name
F/c= favourite colour
e/c= eye colour
h/c= hair colour
s/f/c= second favourite colour


Hi! My name is Y/n Kim and I just moved to Japan from Korea! eomma said that appa got a new job here. Me, unnie and hyung are unpacking our clothes and eomma and appa are resting because we told them to! You might be wondering 'Y/n you're supposed to call your brother oppa and not hyung' so let me tell you. I don't like calling my brother oppa because it sounds weird to me. Oh! I never told you about my family! Well, my hyung is Namjoon and my unnie is Geongmin! But I like to call them Joonie hyung and Min unnie. Anyways, we are done unpacking. Now we need to meet the neighbours! I'm so excited! I hope I make new friends! I quickly wear a/an f/c T-shirt which has 'tomboy' written in s/f/c and jeans. What can I say, I don't like girly stuff. 

We go to the house right beside ours and I knock on the door. A beautiful lady opens the door and smiles at me. "Ah! You must be the new neighbours. I'm Inko Midoriya but feel free to call me Inko. Come inside!" Miss Inko says in Japanese. I learned Japanese with the help of my brother. He also taught me English. Unnie only knows Korean right now. "Izuku! Come downstairs and meet the new neighbours!" she calls out to who seems to be her son. A small heighted boy comes down while holding an All Might figure. He looks around my age. "H-hello! My name is Izuku Midoriya!" "Hello Izuku I'm Y/n Kim, but call me Y/n!" I said in Japanese too. "And I am Namjoon and this is Geongmin." "Nice to meet you guys." "Nice to meet you too Miss Inko and Izuku!" I said in a cheerful voice. "Y/n why don't you and Izuku go outside and play? He will introduce you to his friends." Miss Inko told me and Izuku. "Ok!" "Bye hyung and unnie!" I said in Korean. 

We go to a park near our houses. There I see a boy who was playing in a sandpit. "Hey Kaachan!" Deku said to the boy. "Hey Deku!" (remember, they are around 4 right now and Namjoon hasn't joined Bangtan yet. Also Y/n has h/c hair and pls use your actual hair color because her hair colour is gonna change soon, her eyes are e/c and use your actual eye colour for this too. Izuku, Katsuki and Y/n don't have their quirks yet) "Who's this?" 'Kaachan' asked. "Hi! I'm Y/n Kim but call me Y/n! And you are?" "My name is Katsuki Bakugo. Just call me Katsuki." "hmm. You both have nicknames for each other right?" I asked them. "yes" they both in unison. "Can I give you nicknames too?" I asked them again. "Sure!" "Whatever." "Hmm I will call Izuku Busi and Katsuki Wang!" "what?" they both asked. "Busi means bush in Korean and Wang means king in Korean." "why bush and king?" Izuku asked. "Well you see.... Your hair is like a bush and Katsuki gives off that leader or a king aura." "oh"

"So what are we playing?" Izuku asked. "hmm what about hide 'n seek?" "sure!" Then we played hide 'n seek for some time. I won every round. We were laying on the grass when I felt weird. Hyung and unnie came to pick us up. I was holding my head with my tiny hands. "What's wrong donsaeng?" unnie asked in Korean. "M-my head hurts u-unnie." I told her. Suddenly I felt something soft on head and something coming from above my butt. "What just happened?" I asked. They all looked very shocked until Joonie hyung takes out his phone. He then opens the camera on selfie mode and shows it to me. My h/c hair is now white and my once e/c eyes are now red like an animal. But that's not all, I had white wolf ears and a white tail. "Why do I have eomma's ears and tail?" "You have the same quirk as eomma dongsaeng." "Wait, I can change into any pokemon or animal?!" "Yes" hyung and unnie said. We returned to the house to tell our parents that I have my quirk! "Eomma! Appa! I have my quirk!" "Jinja?!" "Ugh Namjoon was supposed to have a quirk. Not a weak pathetic girl like you!" Appa says. I started crying and ran to my room. Truth is, my father is quirkless so he wanted a son who had a quirk. First they had Namjoon hyung who is quirkless. So he wanted another son. But they had Geongmin unnie and she didn't have a quirk either. Then they had me. He gave up on having a son with a quirk. They all thought that I would be quirkless like my siblings but I was the one with a quirk.  

~Time skip to next day~

I still haven't tried to use my quirk yet. And I'm still mad at appa and he hates me now. Oh! It's almost time to go meet uncle Toshi! Well his name is Toshinori Yagi but I call him uncle Toshi! Oh did you know he is also the number 1 hero All Might? Well now you do! I got ready to visit him. I wore a black T-shirt which had red stripes on it and black jeans. Appa is not coming with us. We went to the car, mom on the driver seat, hyung on the passenger seat and me and unnie in the back seat.  We soon reached his house and eomma knocked on the door. There he was, the number 1 hero. "oh! Hello sister, come on in!" We entered the house and when he saw me, his face turned into one of shock. "Young Y/n is that you? How are your hair and eyes of a different colour?" "Well I gained my quirk yesterday... And this happened." "I see. Do you mind showing us?" "W-well I didn't use it till now.... So I don't know how to use it..." "Sweetie you have to think of the animal or pokemon you want be and you will change into it." eomma stated. 'I wanna be a wolf pup' I think and the next thing I know I'm an adorable black wolf pup. But I couldn't control myself and accidently bit uncle Toshi till it drew blood. And surprisingly he let me. I started licking his wound as an apology. He smiled at me. 'She is worthy of one for all, so she will be one of my successors.' all might thought. I got control over myself and thought of turning back into my human form. I changed back into my normal self only to see myself naked. I quickly cover myself. They all got out of the living room and I changed into my clothes.

"Young Y/n can your mother and I talk to you for a moment?" "sure" "You see, since you had bitten me and I let you suck my blood, you have my dna and that means you have my quirk. It's called one for all. You must not tell anyone that you have this quirk because this quirk can cause you to be a target for the villains. I will be training you so that you can master one for all and your mother will be training you to master shapeshift. And also your shapeshift quirk works till 15 minutes then it needs 10 minutes of break till you can use it again." "ok...." I said still trying to process what he said. "Anyways we should get going now. It was nice meeting you again Toshinori!" "Bye uncle Toshi!" Me, hyung and unnie said in unison.  We went home and then went to sleep.

~Some days later~ (now wang has his quirk. Btw they gave you the nickname wolfy because of your wolf like appearance)

It's been a few days since I gained my quirks. In the first 2-3 days I would break my bones while using one for all and I would have to turn into a chansey to heal myself. Now I only get bruises which I heal by turning into a chansey. I have better control over my shapeshift quirk now. Appa doesn't stay at the house for the whole day and then comes at night looking weird and then hits me and tells me not to tell anyone.... I heal myself but it leaves scars. Everyone time someone asks, I just cover it up saying it's because of my quirk. 

Now I'm going to play with wang and busi. I reach the park to see wang bullying busi. Sometimes I love it how I know all pokemon. I quickly turn into deoxys and use my speed to reach there in a second. I catch the punch with my tentacle like arms and the 2 people behind wang freak out and run away but not wang. Well can't blame those kids, even I would freak out if I suddenly see a pokemon come out of nowhere and catch a punch aimed for the target. But wang knows it's me so he didn't run. I turn into human but I'm still holding his fist and I can tell my red eyes are glowing. Whenever I am angry, my eyes glow. Oh and also, you might be wondering, if I turned into a pokemon, why wasn't I naked. Well, whenever I go to play with them, I wear the clothes I wear during shapeshift training. These clothes are made with the same materials as my mom's hero suit. Yes, my mom used to be a hero. The number 1 of Korea! She retired due to an injury. She served for the country for around 15 years! The cloth disappears like magic when you shapeshift and comes back when you're in human form.

"What are you doing wolfy?! Let go of my fist!" "No, what are you doing wang?! Why are you hurting our friend?!" I was so mad right now. "He's not my friend if he's useless! He's quirkless! He can't do anything!" "That doesn't mean you should hurt him! Heroes don't hurt people who are weaker or helpless! They protect them! If you keep this up, you'll never be a hero!" With that I turn into arcanine, pick up Busi and throw him on my back. Then I ran towards his home. Me, Izuku's mom and Katsuki's mom are very close. I even call them mom! Anyways I knocked on the door and turned to human with busi still on my back. Momma Midoriya opens the door and I greet her. "Hello mom I just wanted to drop busi to home. Oh! And he was being bullied by some people so he has some injuries and burns. Please take care of him! I need to go for training, bye!" That's how me and busi got closer while me and wang drifted apart.

That's it for the first chapter! I hope you like it!

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