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Today I'm going to Aldera junior high. I woke up a little later but I won't be late. I bought the male uniform and got it made into the same material as my training suits since you never know when you need to use your quirk. I wear it and leave my hair down. I wear my white converse and run to school. Luckily, I reach there without being recognised. I'm late! I quickly reach the classroom. When I'm outside my class room, I hear a very cocky tone. Wait... That sounds like Wang! I quietly open the door to not get noticed and succeed. I hear him talk a little more about how he will be the greatest hero and how he is the only one in the school who will get into U.A. "I see you're still the Wang I know." I said. Now all the attention is on me. Suddenly, everyone except Wang and.... Busi?! He's here! Anyways, everyone except Wang and Busi run towards me while asking for an autograph. "Alright alright, I will give you guys my autograph, but after school." I say. "Ok Ms. Kim, introduce yourself." the teacher says clearly trying to hold her fangirl in. "Hey everyone, I'm Y/n Kim, or what many people call me, Alpha. I'm 14 years old. I hope we can be friends." I said. "Ok Ms. Kim, you can sit behind Midoriya over there." the teacher says. I quickly go over there, give Busi a huge hug and sit on my seat. "So as I was saying, Midoriya is going for the U.A entrance exam too right?" teach (I'm just gonna call her that.) says. Everyone starts laughing at him. Oh yeah, he's quirkless. My ears went down and my eyes started glowing indicating that I'm angry. "Deku? You won't be alive if you take the test. Besides you can't take part in the exam if you're quirkless." Wang says. "T-they got rid of that rule, besides I-I'm not trying to take your dream to be hero...." Busi says. Wang raises his fist to hit Busi and something in me snaps. I use one for all and I get surrounded with green electricity (like deku's) I run to catch his fist just before it hits Busi. "What the hell do you think you're doing Wang?!" I yelled. "Let my hand go Wolfy!" he yells back. I free his hand and he huffs. "Why do you still protect that damned Deku?!" he yells at my face. "Because that is what a hero does, protect others, not fucking beat them up! And because he's my best friend!" I yell back. He looks taken aback probably because I never really cursed in front of others but then he huffs and goes back to his seat. "Ah yes. Ms. Kim is going to U.A too. She already completed her 2 years of junior high in elementary, and if she tries, she can complete her high school main studies within this year." teach says praising me. "That's my plan. I want to complete all my studies this year so that my main focus for my next 3 years would only be becoming a hero." I said. 

~Time skip to the end of the day~
 I'm done signing the autographs so I go back inside the class to take my bag which I left inside. When I open the door, I see Wang throwing Busi's hero analysis notebook outside the window. Wasting no time, I grab my bag, run towards the window using one for all and jump outside. I grab the notebook and turn into a pidgeot. I land safely on the ground and turn back into a human. Busi comes running down looking scared. He sees me and sighs. He runs towards and hugs me. "Woah woah woah, what's the matter Busi?" I ask as I hug back. "Why'd you jump out the window like that?! I just got you back and I would've lost you again but this time for forever!" He says. I was taken aback. "You know I'm a master at my quirks, right? How could I get hurt?" I asked. "Still... What if your quirk didn't work?! You could've gotten hurt! Then I wouldn't forgive myself!" He says back. "Look, I'm not hurt so let's drop it. Here is you journal. I'm sorry I couldn't protect it from getting burnt. And I don't think that there's a pokemon that can fix it..." I said as my ears went down but my eyes didn't glow. When this happens, it means I'm sad. "Don't be sad Wolfy! It's not your fault Kaachan burned my notebook!" he said. I looked up and noticed that he was blushing furiously. Is he blushing because of me or does he have a fever? "Anyways, we should go to our homes." he said and started to walk away. "Wait up!" I yelled as I ran towards him. "Hmm?" he hums. "We have homes in the same neighbourhood dummy!" I said. "We do?" he asked. "Of course we do. You know I'm the new girl everyone was talking about in the neighbourhood!" I said pointing my thumb at myself. "oh" is all he said. We then enter a tunnel and I get a bad feeling. Before I could voice my thoughts, something else speaks up, "Ah... a perfect body for my invisibility cloak" (is that what the villain says?) something grabs Busi and I look up to see a weird muddy villain. He's suffocating Busi! I quickly think of a plan. The villain's quite big so a normal psychic type pokemon won't be able to hold it for long. A legendary pokemon can do it, but doing that will allow me to stay in pokemon form for five minutes only (only for the time you use a legendary pokemon, otherwise it stays 15 minutes, also you can switch from pokemon to pokemon or animal or human but when you turn to a legendary, you can only switch between human and the legendary.) I quickly turn into MewTwo and use my psychic abilities to hold the villain into the air and it releases Busi. He was unconscious. I still held the villain waiting for a hero to appear. After some minutes I feel myself turning back into a human. Just as I change back, uncle Toshi comes in his muscle form and punches the villain then captures it. "Uncle Toshi!" I yell and hug him. "Young Y/n! Thank you for holding this villain back while I came. Now we need to make sure your friend is fine." he says. "You sign his notebook, I'll make sure he's fine." I said. I go to Busi and ruffle his hair. He slowly wakes up and when he sees uncle Toshi, he freaks out and frantically looks for his notebook. "He already signed your notebook Busi." I stated calmly. He then looks in his notebook and sees uncle Toshi's autograph. He then bows repeatedly and says something I wasn't able to hear because I was busy dying of laughter. 

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