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I was sitting on my desk (yes, as in on the table, not the seat) and listening to music with my eyes closed. We have been told that there is gonna be a trip and I decided to be alone. I know that's not allowed but you know me, I just love breaking the rules. Suddenly I feel a heavy book on my lap. I open my eyes and see that someone has placed a heavy book on my lap. I open it and read. Hmm, there's both important and useless information in it. Must be given by Koro-sensei. I guess I'll revise it just for fun, who knows when it can come in handy. I'll also take a print out of the map. Sometimes I don't wanna kill Koro-sensei because he's so helpful. But he has to die otherwise none of us would be alive... "Wolfie. You wanna join our group?" Nagisa asks. "Hm? Oh, I'm sorry Nagi but I'm going alone for the assassination." I answered sympathetically. "But you aren't allowed...?" Kanzaki questions. "I bent the rules a little." I said while winking playfully at her. She blushes and looks away. Weird. I just shrug it off and go back to listening to music. 

~Time skip to the train station~
It took me exactly 2 days to remember the whole guidebook. I even made a small notepad which contains all the useful information and a extra map just in case I lose the guidebook. I decided to take only some of my important things like my toothbrush, toothpaste, (whatever you use when you're on your period, like pads, tampons etc.) some clothes, my pills (specially made for Y/n for her fainting.) undergarments, my anti-sensei things, my pocket knife (For self defense), mini medical kit, my itinerary for Kyoto, my lyrics notebook, charger, earphones, phone, wallet, keys (duh), guidebook, notepad and my map. They fit inside my black travel bag somehow. "The A to D classes are riding first class!" Sugaya exclaims. "We're the only ones in coach. Like always." Nakamura sighs. "That reminds me, I was also invited to sit with them." I said. They all look at me, as if trying to ask who I'm gonna sit with. I shrug and said, "I'm staying with my class." They all sigh out of relief. Then, a teacher and those 2 class D bastards say something but I don't listen to them since I'm busy listening to music. I close my eyes and wait for our turn to enter the train.

 I close my eyes and wait for our turn to enter the train

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(So this is your bag. Imma explain how all the things are placed. Your toothbrush and toothpaste are inside the zip that is at the base, where the lower start N is. Your pills  are in that side pocket on the left side of the bag. Your anti sensei things aka anti-sensei knife, bbs and your anti-sensei notebook are in the zip that is at the upper end of the E. Your charger, phone, earphones, itinerary, mini medical kit, lyrics notebook, wallet, keys, notepad and map are in the zip above the anti-sensei things' one. Your undergarments, clothes and (period stuff) are in the zip that is left. Your guidebook is in the pocket where you keep your water bottle.)

After some minutes, someone taps my shoulder. I see it's Nagisa. "It's time to go." he says. I nod and we go inside. Apparently there were no seats left. "Umm we can just make someone sit on Y/n-chan's lap." Kanzaki suggests. I think of an idea and sit on a vacant seat. "Kayano! C'mere!" I order her. She comes near me. I opened my arms and indicated that I wanted her to sit on my lap. She hesitantly sits down on my lap and I wrap my arms around her waist to prevent her from falling down. "I hope it's not uncomfortable for you Kayano." I said. She shakes her head and says 'No.' I smile and try to sleep. At last I managed to sleep.

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