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I decided to go back to my actual home again. Where I can shapeshift and keep my wolf traits out. I remember I can't exactly hide my ears and tail in my dimension.... Whatever. "Hey Riku, I'm going to my world today, do you want to come and live with me, or stay here and live with the other me?" I asked my pet. He is officially mine, I'm so happy! Btw, he is very calm and collected. "I want to live with you master." He said. "Ok, but I may look a bit older and slightly taller than this, kind of like jumping into the next year kind of look, so don't freak out okay? You are not going to become bigger in size or anything. Nobody will know you there and the people you met yesterday at school will no longer be there. Instead, you're gonna make new friends!" I told. "Okay master." he said as his tail was wagging a little. I smiled and pet his head. (BTW everytime you talk to Riku, you talk in your wolf language so that he can understand you better.)

'Home' I thought in my mind and summoned a portal. "Come on Riku." I said as I waited for him to get inside the portal. After he did, I did too. I was now back home, my ears and tail on display completely. I smiled widely knowing I can use shapeshift now. I quickly unlocked my phone to see that all my songs that I uploaded in the other dimension were not there but their recordings were present in my phone. I quickly uploaded all of them. I also noticed that all the contacts of my E class friends were not there anymore and I could not call for Ritsu any longer either. I sighed. "Hey Riku, this is my real home." I said. "Really? This looks the same as the one as we were in a few seconds ago." he said. "I know. But since I brought you here from another world, we need to get you to an adoption center so that I can sign your adoption papers." I huffed. I made a quick video telling all of my pack about my right eye colour change then picked him up and exited our home, not forgetting to lock the door. 

After the adoption process and buying things for Riku then setting them accordingly at my house, I decided to go to Busi's house. "Hey Riku we're gonna meet a friend of mine okay?" I said. "New friends!" he cheered. I picked him up and exited the house once again. I knew I wasn't wearing my disguise but I don't care. Wait, nobody except mom knows my quirk.... I decided to give Busi a call while walking to his house. 

(B- Izuku, W- Wolfie aka Y/n)
B- hello?
W- Hey Busi! 
B- Hey W-Wolfie! Why do you call?
W- I have a new quirk.
B- R-Really?! What is it?! *Shuffling noises*
W- I'll explain later. Right now, all I'm telling you is that my right eye is now blue and that I'm coming to your house.
B- W-What?! Blue eye?! A-And you're coming to my house?! *muttering*
W- Calm down dude. I'm coming to explain my quirk and let you meet my new friend!
B- Friend?
W- Yeah! It's my new pet!
B- A pet? Which animal is it?
W- A fox! Open the door I'm here.
B- W-What?! Already?! Agh! I'm coming!

I hung up and waited for him to come downstairs. I heard thuds and grunts then the door opened. "H-hey Wolfie!" He greeted. "Hello Busi!" I greeted back. "Woah, your right eye really is blue!" he exclaimed. "Yeah." I said while scratching the nape of my neck. He welcomed me in and we went to his room. (Do not think of that.) After we were settled down and shit, he finally noticed the white ball of fluff. 

"Oh, hello little one. What's your name?" He coos. Any involuntarily growl erupts from my throat, making Busi scared. "Mine!" I growled but soon realised what just happened. "Oh sorry. I'm overprotective of him." I apologised and patted Busi's head with my unoccupied hand, the other one holding Riku in my arms. "Is he your friend master?" Riku asked. "Yes he is Riku, his name is Izuku Midoriya but I call him Busi." I replied. "What are you saying Wolfie?" Busi asked. "Oh, I was talking to Riku, this little cutie here." I said as I pet my white fox. 

"You can talk to animals? And were you making wolf noises?" He asked. "I can understand and talk to animals. And yes those were wolf noises. That's like the way I can talk to the animals. They can understand our usual language but they understand you more if you speak the animal language." I explained. He quickly wrote it down in his hero analysis notebook that was on his study table. "So, tell me more about your new quirk." He said as he looked up from his notebook. 

"My new quirk is called dimensions. I believe you can already guess what it does by it's name but if you didn't it allows me to open a portal into another dimension or universe. One month in another dimension would equal to one second of this dimension that we live in. It's drawbacks so far are fainting and dizziness." I said. He quickly wrote it all down. "Wow... That is so cool." He awed. I just smiled sheepishly. After some chatting and laughing, I noticed it was dark out there. "Hey Busi, I should go now..." I said. 

"Why don't you stay here for tonight? I mean I don't think mom would allow you to go alone anyway." He said. I looked at him blankly. "Only if Riku is ok with it. Are you ok with staying here Riku?" I told then asked Riku in wolf language. "Ok." He said. I looked at Busi and nodded. "Ok, I'll go tell mom that you're staying the night." He said then exited the room.

"Hey Riku..." I said. "Yes master?" he asked. "I believe I forgot to tell you some things. Most of the human population here has super powers called quirks. Here, there are heroes and villains. I know you know I have that super-speed-strength power and the ability to turn into a wolf, those are my quirks. But that is not all. You know that anime we watch? Pokemon? Yeah, I can turn into them too along with other animals. You wanna see something?" I explained and asked. After a few seconds of silence I looked at him. He looked at me in awe. "You can do that master?!" He exclaimed. I nodded. "Can you turn into a fox like me?" He asked. I sighed and smiled. I turned into an arctic fox. 

"Woah, that was cool." He cheered. I laughed and turned back into human. Oh shit, I'm naked. I quickly wore my clothes before Busi could come in and laid on his bed comfortably, as if nothing ever happened. A few moments later, Busi entered the room. "Hey, dinner's ready. I also got the guest room ready." He said. "Ah, thanks." I thanked and got up while Riku scrambled off of me. We three went downstairs and saw f/f and Katsudon made, making our mouths water. She also prepared some semi-cooked meat for Riku. "itadakimasu" all of us said before digging into the food. Needless to say, the food was delicious. After dinner, we all went to sleep. I cuddled Riku and fell asleep, not forgetting to put my alarm. 

Hey guys, I'm back on the track, hope you enjoyed. Please comment and feel free to correct any mistakes.

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