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~Time skip to the resort~
We were all sitting under the umbrellas. Sadly, I can't stay in my part wolf form here.... (you are wearing the third outfit mentioned above.) I was playing my guitar a little and was trying to make a tune to my song 'The truth untold'. This is another song I'm writing for BTS. I was insfired by this story I read. It's name is 'La Città di smeraldo'. It's a really sad story.... "Will you like some juice, ma'am?" the waiter asked as he offered some juice. "No, I'm not thirsty, thank you." I politely declined.

I was with my group right now. We are supposed to find our sniper spots. "Where's Koro-sensei?" Chiba asked. "Touring deep sea caves with group 3. No way he can see us here." Hayami replied. "Then we're free to pick our sniper spots." Chiba said and we continued to walk further. "Let's make it quick." I said seriously. We found our spots and placed our dummies there. After that we hid in the water.

Finally, Koro-sensei and the others went inside the dome. After an hour, the plan was in action. The dome was ripped after they destroyed 8 tentacles, I asked Nakamura to shoot mine too. After that, some students made the hydraulic cage and others shot everywhere but at him. He was confused and this was our chance. All three of us aimed for a headshot but somehow I felt weird. *bang* all 3 of us shot almost at the same time. Why do I have a feeling that mine missed...? Suddenly, an explosion happened. -D-did that actually work?!- I asked/thought. Then, I saw a ball like thing in the distance. It had Koro-sensei's head?! I quickly turned into part wolf, used one for all and swam there at full speed. "Did we fail?" I asked as my wolf ears flopped down. "Yeah..." Nagisa answered sadly. 

Then suddenly, Karma took the Koro-sensei ball and showed the picture of him reading the porn magazines. Koro-sensei frantically yelled saying he can't cover his eyes. I got an idea and swam to his speed boat. I picked up a sea slug and placed it on the Koro-sensei ball. He screamed like a school kid scared of little things. After that, Karasuma sensei picked him up and told us that he will discuss on what to do with Koro-sensei. Koro-sensei then explained that our plan was great but we were all sad. I turned into full human and went to the shore like everyone else.

We were sitting at our tables, most of us drinking juice and being sad while others doing something else. I was just playing the truth untold tune on my guitar sadly. Suddenly Chiba, who was sitting on my left side with Hayami on my right side (You are sitting while facing the beach), took out his phone and called for Ritsu. "Yes?" Ritsu asked. "You recorded that right?" he asked. "Yes, all the assassination, with a high speed camera whenever possible." she replied. "I knew the second I fired that I'd miss. That my bullet couldn't kill him..." Chiba said. "Me too..." I replied. "I can't say for sure. The exact time it took him to move into that form is unclear. However, if your shot was 0.5 seconds faster, or if Hayami's was 30 centimeters closer, or if Y/n chan's was 5 centimeters closer, you would have had a 50 percent chance of killing him before he noticed." Ritsu said.

 I looked down and stopped playing my guitar. If I had hit just a 5 cm closer, we could've saved the world... "I was so confident, in the rehearsal I mean, we practiced firing from an even less stable spot, and I didn't miss. But when the time came, my fingers stiffened and my vision narrowed." Chiba said. "Same here..." me and Hayami said. "The pressure of absolutely not being allowed to miss. That crucial now-or-never moment...." Chiba trailed off. "To think it'd be this different from practice..." Hayami said. -Stupid Y/n! Missed saving the world by a fucking 5 centimeter!- I mentally scolded myself.

When I turned around, I saw Nakamura falling. Not caring if someone sees me, I turned into part wolf and ran using one for all. I caught her before she fell and turned back to full human. "Nagisa, Y/n-sensei... I want to go to my room and change but my body isn't moving.." She said. I checked her temperature. "You're burning up!" I semi-yelled. Suddenly, Okajima's nose started bleeding heavily. I then heard someone's phone ring. Karasuma-sensei started talking to someone. I payed no attention to it and tried to find a way to bring everyone's temperature down. Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind. 'Why don't I just try to transform into Glaceon and- Oh wait, I forgot I don't have shapeshift....' I thought. 

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