chapter 1

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Brooklyn - New York
September - 12 - 2014


"Breath". I kept repeating to myself as I began my journey to the dark prison I'm forced to attend everyday. My brows furrowed as the cold wind smacked my face and lingering in my hair. It was almost impossible to get warm, in this weather. I pulled my navy blue jacket tighter around me hopping for an improvement, but nothing changed as my exposed legs began to tremble. I sighed defeated as I felt the frigid wind tighten around my lungs making it hard to breath. My dry tired eyes, squinting keeping the frost away from them.

As I arrived I seen all my other peers, pulling up in there newly bought cars. They all piled in to the building as there bodies begged for warmth. I on the other hand was walking very slow. I didn't want to enter the depressing halls of Alen Dale high. I'm tired of the abuse from day to day. The Viscous children feeding off my pain, almost craving for a reaction. I clenched my jaw ready to enter the gates of my hell on earth.

I put my head down trying to avoid any and all physical contact with everyone. I had math first block, and was trying to get it over with. I groaned as I reminisced the painful memories of mr. Davidsons agonizing voice and his tedious class work. I entered the classroom before anyone did. All the other students were enjoying breakfast in the cafeteria with there friends, I didn't have any friends.

I observed the empty class room, from the meaningless doodles embedded on the wooden desks, to the old molded widows. I heard scattering from beside me, and turned in my spot. My upper lip sprang up as my brows furrowed in confusion. There sitting was a very young man. He had a light complexion with a very yellow undertone. His high cheekbones complimenting his lightly splashed freckles upon his face. His immensely large lips stained a rose color as they formed a frown. His glasses lay at the begging of his slender nose. I noticed a small crevice on it, he must have a piercing. His hair swirling in different directions on top of his head. He wore a white button up, with a red tie along with some black dress pants, and black slacks. His sleeves buttoned all the way to his wrist. His hand had inked etched into his skin, creating a skull like image. He was perfection at its finest.

He cleared his throat, as I realized I was staring at his beauty. I gulped down saliva attempting to moisten my parched throat. "Where is mr. Davidson?". My voice scratched against my vocal cords sending out an unpleasant tune. "He's not your teacher anymore". A think accent appears as he proceeded to speak. "He got fired last week, do to reason I'm not in place to speak of". He then gives me a broad smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness. An unexpected warmth took over my body causing to smile back. "I'm mr. Brown, your new teacher". He stated throwing his hand up for me to shake. I gripped his thick toasty hand and moved is slightly as he did. Small electric tingles swam through my fingers, as my breathing shortened. "I-im California". I stuttered. He gave me a smirk. "Nice to meet you California". I adored the way his deep raspy voice restated my name. They way the 'R' rolled off his tongue sent me in a daze. This year should be interesting.

He rose from his spot behind the cluttered desk and stood next me. He was very tall, with an athletic stature. He glared down at me indicating for me to move. I did so and he strolled to the front of the desk, and retrieved a clip board. Flipping through the wrinkled pages, he stopped on one and glided his finger against the text looking for something. He tapped the page, satisfied with what he had found.

"California Carter, you sit here". His deep voice caressed my ears as he squandered over to a small desk on the far right of the room. I gave a small smile and proceeded to my seat. I slid my cold hand along the rigid desktop. It's antique like wood was covered in 'graffiti' and 'doodles'. Swirling in all sorts of vibrant hues, I guess you could say it gave each seat a little character. I sat as I clenched my jaw to stop the anxiety that rose within me. I don't want to sit in the front.

I began to pull out my disheveled notebook, and my chewed up pencil. I sat the cluttered book on my desk as i digged through my bag searching for that pencil. I felt old papers and such as I searched like a police dog through this Maze of a backpack. "Excuse me?". I stopped abruptly as I heard the petit voice. It was a girl I had never seen before, but boy was she a sight. She had long curly hair, with sun baked skin and deep brown almond shaped eyes. She was a little taller than me and had a thick body composition. I clenched my jaw again as I heard her speak to Mr. Brown. "Hi? Ummm.....I'm new here". Her angelic like voice sang. I glanced over at her as she stood in front of him. He was glaring hard at her with lust and admiration overflowing in his eyes. He examined her top to bottom and glided his tongue against his plump lips. "What's your name sweet heart?". He asked letting is 'R' roll off his tongue in a sweet Epiphany. "M-mila". She stuttered and then a bright pink color flushed over her big cheeks. "Well Mila welcome to the class, you can have a seat next to uh...what's your name again?". He asked facing me. Feeling the familiar hurt fill my body once again, it was nothing new. "California". I mumbled quite upset. "Right, you can sit next to California". He stated never taking his eyes off her beauty. I sighed as the rest of the students piled into the class, they all glared in my direction probably looking at the mysterious new found beauty sitting next to me.

"Hey, do have a pencil I can borrow?". I asked politely. She glanced at me with out saying a word and proceeded to take out her brand new supplies. There was a box of pencils sitting on her desk, she couldn't let me at least borrow one?

"Umm....excuse me Mila? I don't mean to be annoying bu-".

"Well you are can you just not talk to me?". She asked now fully looking at me as few kids let snickers escape there lips. I clenched my jaw once again and nodded my head. As the last student came into class mr. Brown began to speak a sweet foreign symphony of words. "Hello class, I am your new teacher Mr. Brown". All the females were drooling over such an angelic like creature. "Let's begin....."

Should I continue?

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