Chapter 11 Deceptive Feeling

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 Chapter 11

Deceptive Feeling

Deception: most of the times is the manipulation of your own negative rumination

Mirca was splashing water from her hair, moving her hands into the locks trying to dry them as soon as possible before the class as she entered into the kitchen for a quick breakfast.

“Mirca” her mom voiced sternly “you wore your bathroom slippers to the garden” an annoying glare was directed in Mirca’s direction.

“Me, garden with slippers?” she turned around to look at the foot marks left behind her household foot wears “ but I never went outside after I returned from the university. I called it a night once I landed home.” Mirca argued but preferred to shut up when her mom was passing quick curses as she moped the dirtied floor.

“You” Darwin hit playfully on Mirca’s head not before stealing a bite from Mirca’s granola bar making her stamp her foot irritably “were never fond of animals as jewelry” his finger directed towards Mirca’ neckline.

“Oh this” Mirca said easily as she clutched the cold metallic fish in her hands “bought from a small fair.”

“When did you go to the fair?” her mom intervened “I never heard of you going lately.”

“Last night in” Mirca stopped immediately thinking where her trail of words were going “ wasn't her so called friend Eden and she going to fair a small dream and if this was the case.

“Mirca I need your car, mine had a break down. Can I borrow? I can drop you to your college before that.”

“My car” Mirca had a new set of thoughts.

“You are not bringing your old hummer. Got it,” Cole argued.

“I love it” Mirca whined “it has been with me since freshmen year”

“I said no. My wife is going to drive a new car a BMW c series.” He said adamantly as he handed her the keys of her new car.

Mirca looked at the black-headed keys with awe. Cole always knew to put her smile button on; he was so thoughtful.

“But honey” he pulled her in for a deep kiss “I am afraid till you reach our home, you have to give up your lady- mistress hummer”

“Lady-mistress” Mirca elbowed a little less playfully “is that a word?”

“Ouch that hurts”

“Of course it will hurt, it’s a bruise” Darwin said bringing her to present “How did you get it?”

Mirca was observing the wound when her mom shouted from the garage “Miiiiii. Hurry I have to rush for the clinic.”

“Hey rush otherwise she’d again pluck wrong teeth in hurry like she did last time and dad had to pay for the compensations to the patient.” Darwin pushed her to the doors.

Mirca smiled to the memories, dad was making a fuss because he had to catch a flight-making mom late for her first appointment and in panic she operated the wrong tooth plucking the non infected one.

Result was a huge dent in Mirca’s dad’s pocket. Well he deserved it for showing silly childish tantrums.


Mirca was distracted all the while in the class, her mood turning sour everytime she brushed her fingers on the bruise ’it was real’

As shocking as it was for her to accept, it was indeed real, it wasn't a dream but a real nightmare.

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