Chapter 3

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Karas pov
She was looking at my eyes again. Like she didn't want me to leave. I didn't know what to do. Maybe she likes me? No she's my teacher. Although I wouldn't complain she is kinda hot. Oh who am I kidding. She's very hot and that outfit she was wearing. She was in black skin tight trousers and a white top with a blazer on. She's so hot. "Kara?"

Oh no I think I was daydreaming I didn't hear what she said "huh? Sorry. I think I zoned out" I replied to her trying not to sound nervous. Because I'm literally standing and talking to this goddess. Omg did I really just say that.  "I said do you want a lift home? I don't want to leave you to walk by yourself after what you've been through." She said giggling at me for loosing focus again.  "I-I um" I sound so stupid. I'm so nervous around her I think I like her. I mean who wouldn't. She looks at me and giggles. Man she's so cute when she giggles it's like sweet music.

"Unless you already have a lift?" She said sounding disappointed. I think she does like me. "Oh no my adoptive mum is on a business trip so I was just going to walk. But a lift will be good thanks" don't ask me how I managed to speak without stuttering because I have no idea. She smiled at me. "Ok then let's go my cars just outside" I nodded and followed her.

Miss luthors pov
I saw Kara about to leave. Without thinking I grabbed her wrist. I didn't want her to leave not yet. We were now looking into each other's eyes again. Oh her eyes were so beautiful. So blue. Like diamonds. I notice her eyes travel down to my lips. I think?... WAIT MY LIPS! OMG! OMG! I THINK SHE LIKES ME... wait no. I don't even know if she likes girls. Maybe I just have something on my face.
"Would you like a lift home?" I said but she was still looking at my lips. It was a bit weird but sweet.
"Kara?" "Huh? Sorry I think I zoned out" I giggled. She was so cute. I wonder what she was thinking. "I said do you want a lift home? I don't want to leave you after what you've been through" she started to say something but started stuttering. I think she was nervous so I just cut her off "unless you already have one?" I probably shouldn't have asked her. She's my student it's weird. "Oh no my adoptive mum is away on a business weekend. So I was just going to walk home but I suppose a lift would be good"

I'm surprised she didn't stutter. She blushed a bit. She's so fricken cute. I grab my bag and turn round and smile at her "ok let's go my cars just outside" of course it's outside. Stupid! Where else would it be! Stupid. Stupid.

The car ride was mostly silent apart from the odd times I would ask her questions, and when she tells me where to go to get to her house. I pull up to her house slightly disappointed that I couldn't spend more time with her. "Thanks for the lift miss" she said with a soft voice while smiling at me. I smiled back "please Kara were outside of school you can call me Lena" well that was weird well done! "Ok um- I- bye mi- lena" I smiled. It was so cute the way she stuttered and said my name. She's so adorable. "Bye Kara see you in class tomorrow. Oh wait- here's my number in case you need me." WHY DID I JUST GIVE HER MY NUMBER!!!! WHY WHY WHY!

She blushed. I've probably scared her off now. I'm so stupid. "Thanks lena. Bye" oh she said my name again. I think I was blushing as well. I couldn't help it she's just so beautiful and her voice is angelic. "Bye" I watched her go into her house as she waved at me. I of course waved back.

Karas pov
Omg! Omg! The most beautiful woman in the world just gave me her number. And she said I can call her lena! Which is the prettiest name ever btw... I think I really like her.

I walked into my house after waving goodbye to lena. Her car was so nice. Not something you would expect a teacher to have. Too fancy and expensive. My stomach starts to growl. I haven't eaten all day because I skipped lunch. I go over to the fridge and get some leftover mac and cheese Eliza had made yesterday. I took the clean film off the bowl and placed it in the microwave.
After I had ate my dinner. I washed the bowl and put it away. Oh I have lenas number I should probably put it in my phone. I typed the number into my phone debating on what I should type as her name.

I decided just to put lena with a '💗' emoji next to it. I know it's probably stupid but oh well. I flung myself onto the couch and started watching Netflix. I put on a show I recently started watching called 'orange is the new black' however I wasn't really paying attention to the tv because I was debating on whether or not I should text lena. And if so what should I say. I decide to text her...

Me: Hi miss, it's Kara
Lena💗: Hi Kara you doing ok?
Me: yes much better now. Thanks for taking me home and everything
Lena💗: Anytime x

OMG! she just put a kiss on the end of her message I think I might have blushed a little bit. I don't know how to reply but I looked at the time. It was late '11:45pm' I probably should get some sleep now.
I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm again. Telling me that it was '6:30' so i dragged myself out of bed. And did the same boring routine again. However, I took a little longer to choose a outfit today as I wanted to look nicer because I had lenas class again. My phone buzzed on my bedside table. I ran over to it and glanced down. It was lena calling me. I got all nervous again but answered.

"Hi Kara I was just wondering if you wanted a lift into school today because I remember you saying your parents were at a business meeting or something"

"Yeah they are. Sure... but isn't it like illegal for a teacher to give a student a lift"

"Yes but I can just drop you round the corner nobody will see. And besides... I won't tell if you won't"

"Ok thanks miss"
I hung up before she could say anything which was probably rude but I was a little exited. So exited I forgot to have breakfast

A/N am I improving? Haha I can't really tell. Part 4 coming soon thanks for reading

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