Princess and The Pauper Chapter 3: An evil plan ensues

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Anika couldn't stop thinking about Zoey after they left. It makes her happy to find someone to have the same achievements as herself.

Anika strolled to her library and goes to read a romance book, which was the first one she read in a while. She didn't know it was about but it should taker her mind out of the dreaded marriage that has yet to come.

The one who watched in the shadows was Sir Premijor, who stared at the princess with a loving gaze.

He's no older but 3 years from the Princess herself, which is way makes Anika trust him a little, but his father who used to work there always told him about the beauty of the princess and he knew he had to marry her and get the riches he wants.

He walked away from and left the castle to the mines. He didn't own the mines however for only he knows the location of the Jewel mines.

Yes, those Jewel cost a fortune! Only millions that it cost.

But no way Premijor would tell the queen, of course, or his plan wouldn't work.

"Terrence! Phillip! Come out, you fools!!"

Terrence and Phillip walked out, pick axes in hand, covered in bruises from the harsh rocks.

"We found all sorts of jewels this time! Sapphires, rubies, emeralds, topazs-"Terrence said in one breath.

"Enough."Premijor silenced the man."Keep them in here and don't tell anyone. Alright?"

Phillip nodded, staring at a diamond."Shiny.."

Premijor sighs and looks around."My plan will be foolproof! The princess will marry me in gratitude, or even I'll marry the queen so I can save this kingdom and I'll be the star or the kingdom."

"Uh, don't mind me asking, but what's your plan again?"

"It's very simple plan..."

I've been bowing
I've been scraping
I've been lying like a rug
And for ten long years I've had to pay my dues
But today I am escaping
For the last gold has been dug
It was waiting there, so how could I refuse?

I'm returning home a hero
Who's discovered mighty wealth
And what better husband could a princess choose?
I'm the suitor who will suit her
Bring the kingdom back to health
And I'll wear the crown, for how could I refuse?

Raise every glass
And rouse every cheer!
Praise that the reign of Preminger is here!
Master in charge of all that I see
All hail me!

And by marrying the princess I get all that I desire
Like a moat
An ermine coat
And palace views

Even though she treats me coldly
It's a sign of inner fire
For inside she's thinking
"How can I refuse?"

Right, except theres one little problem, boss.

Premijor (SPOKEN):
Thats Prince Boss to you!

Right, the queen decided to marry off the princess to the king of Bahsena.

Premijor (SPOKEN):
What?! Making a decision without me?! Who does she think she is?

Phillip (SPOKEN):
Uh, the Queen?

Premijor (SPOKEN):
You simpering simpleton!

Phillip (SPOKEN):
Well, she is the Queen. Shes got a crown and a scepter and sits in her big fancy chair...


No! I wont let go!
This peasant son wont turn and run because some reckless royal chose another beau

Ah... it's... a temporary setback
It's a momentary loss
But conviently my ego doesn't bruise
And the moment that I get back I will show them who's the boss
You can bet your bullion there'll be no "I do's"
Yes suppose the girl goes missing
And the king says "au revoir"
Then I find her
Bring her back and make the news
Then the queen will be so grateful
That she'll pledge the heir to moi
And I'll humbly tell her
"How can I refuse?"

When our ceremony's over
I'll arise and take the throne
And that nitwit Anika can kiss my shoe
For the kingdom and the castle will be mine and mine alone
If the crown should fit then how can I refuse?

ALL: So get ready with the roses and stand by with the champagne
When you've got a brilliant plan you never lose
Yes before the chapter closes
I'll be as big as Charlemagne
It's a thankless job but how can I refuse
How can I refuse?

It slowly turned to night and Anika was sleeping in the library, her book in hand.

"Did I doze off?" She groaned, getting up."It's already late.."

Anika gets up and walks out the library, book in hand, in the hallway. She walks around till she heard footsteps near the bottom of the stairs beneath her.

She sighs."Ally? Are you up? Did you get hungry, again?" She slowly approached the stairs and walks down."Ally?"

She heard a muffle and she turned the corner.

Ally was there tied up, struggling.

Anika dropped her book and walks to untie her sister."What happened?" She ask, trying to untie the rope.

"Mmm!!"Ally scared, looking behind her.

Anika stopped as footsteps approached her behind. She slowly turned only to see darkness from the bag Terrence have in head.

Ally screams as the boys dragged the body out of the castle, carried it in a truck and take her to the shack to the forest.

"I can't believed that worked..." Phillip gasp and sets the bag down on the ground.

"Oh hush now!!" Anika groaned.

They boys loosened the bag and puts in a room and locks the door.

Anika gets up and bangs on the door."Hey!! Let me out!! I demand it!" She yelled.

"Yes, your highness." Phillip said, walking towards the door but stopped by Terrence.

" 'Yes your highness'", Terrence mocked."We're in charge, you dunce!"

Anika groans and sits on the bed and lays on it."What's gonna happen now.." She Whispered, looking around.

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