Princess of Swan Lake - Chapter 1: A story begins

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If you met Odette in the village, she is the sweetest thing you ever met. She's helpful and beautiful, some would say and her bakery is the best in town.

She was now on a delivery. Fresh baked cookies and mini cakes, but it was a lot so she was trying to be careful.

"Hello, Miss Odette!" Says the newsman."Need help with that?"

"No, thank you," Odette says happily."I can deal with everything." She walks past the newsman and continues to her delivery.

This women is Odette, very beautiful woman, who is the talk of the town because of her kind nature and her outstanding beauty. Everyone loves her.

"Good evening, Miss Odette! It seems you have my delivery." Said the old women by the forest, who was walking with her cane."Come in, please dear? I want to see your lovely Dance again."

Odette smiles and enters the house."How is everything, Miss Penelope?"

Penelope smiles at the young women."Just glad you have my delivery. And I'm happy to see you again. I hope my deliveries didn't strain those muscles of yours."

"Only a little but I'm always happy to deliver."

"You don't mind if you dance a little for me? I know you don't like to but it puts me at ease.."

Odette smiles at the old women in front of her and closes the door."The Usual?" She ask, ready to dance.

"Oh please!" Penelope says in delight, sitting in her chair.

Odette smiles as she starts, imagining the music in her head, starting slowly but goes a little faster as her toes start to lead her.

She always thinks of this dance in her dreams. She adores it.

The first dance she was taught before she stopped to help her family.

"Oh my, Odette! You always know your steps!" Penelope says, clapping.

Odette stops and curtseys."Thank you."

"Got you!! Flithy animal!"

Odette jumps and the old women sighs in dismay.

"Those huntsmen..they never know when to stop.."

Odette exits the house to see a unicorn, bound by the neck by a few huntsmen, greedy people indeed.

Odette walks forward, silently, watching.

"Can wait to mount this on our wall!"

The unicorn growls and struggles again.

The 1st huntsman raised his sword to attack until Odette came by and grabs the sword by his hand.

"Don't you have any decent manners! They are part of our world and this is how you treat them?!" Odette snapped, causing the other huntsmen to look and stop in confusion.

Fortunately, the unicorn got lease of the men's grip and gallops away to the woods.

Odette huffs and shoves the sword back to the huntsmen. "Now, leave before our guards come by."

The men leave immediately, leaving nothing in sight.

Odette sighs and walks back to the old lady, who paid her 400 G, an extra 20 for her brave act.

"Now go, sweet pea!"

Odette smiles and walks back to her families bakery."Papa? Are you here?"

"In here!" Cried her father in the kitchen.

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