Inferiority Complex

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A very daunting topic to take upto I believe. This is one many reasons also as to why teenagers or adolescents these days seek help of suicide. Inferiority Complex, A very rare topic anyone wants to talk about. Well lets first get familiar with the words "Inferiority Complex", what it actually means?

Well, you can obviously Google it up for best and sophisticated definition, but I don't want to venture over that land at all. For me, anything I want to say has to be simple, understandable for everyone who reads it.

So, let's break it, inferiority refers to anything low, feeling low of yourself and here complex can be refered to as feeling as the word "Inferiority Complex" comes straight from psychiatry world so yeah.

Combining all, it comes down to feeling low about yourself. Better yet, word I would use is low self-esteem. Low self-esteem goes back a long way as kids of teen years mostly undergo with this. That doesn't mean I didn't, I also did at times I still feel low of myself.

It gets stressful, embarassing when we don't meet certain standards of the society. It's the feeling of not belonging to a group or crowd. Feeling so low that you just want to fade away. That phrase, "Fading away into the background" comes alive.

Inferiority complex is feeling less, I would say very much less confidennt about yourself, be it, your clothes, your appearance, your body, your height, your skin tone or your way of talking etc., anything it could be that makes you completely go downnfall of that one reason.

Inferiority complex can be the main symptom an individual will start with Anxiety in the first place. Yes, it's true that Inferiority complex is a symptom of Anxiety but mostly this is main symptom of Avoidant Personality disorder. This is also same as "fading away into the background". People just don't feel worthy of themselves. They just look in mirror and let their mind control their thoughts completely letting yourself get destroyed by negative criticism.

The feeling of not being enough for people out there is kind of common sometimes, at some point every human is tend to feel nervous about themselves. But some people in particular feel low about themselves in every case. For instance, take me as an example, from starting years of my school, I was short, I'm short. Actually I'm even 5 ft properly, so that was obviously more than enough for the kids to start with their episode of taunting, mocking and teasing sometimes questioning "don't you hang or do cycling or something?" Do that do this all my years of living I spent hearing only these stupid advices fromm almost evreybody who comes across me. Some people would ask me if , I'm in 8th grade when actually I was in 10th grade at that moment. At some point of my higher education it use to irritate me a lot. It would make me feel so muchh down about myself that I stopped talking with other students itself. I'm already an introvert, so you can understand what it is for me to do talking and spending time with other people. There were times when I use to cry myself to sleep thinking about it.

Whenever other people or even people I know use to say something relatively mocking my height I would just brush it off or laugh it out with them. But inside only I knew how badly I'm screaming, my mind is shouting at you mean judging people. I wass young, teenager to begin with, not much knowing about people, surrounding and the world.

As I grew I started learning one thing that always stayed in my mind. My mother once said to me,

"Baby, it doesn't matter how you look whether you are tall, short, fat, thin, black , pale, obese, slender etc., nothing matters till you open your mouth to speak."

What she meant to say is that, nothing will ever matter till they understand how you talk, behave annd what kind of personality you are. To saya the truth, it is this talk of my mom made my inferiority complex to go down eventually and i started feeling pretty confident about things moreover happy for my body and my physical appearance. I never thought about what others think, what if they don't like me, all that bullshit doesn't matter as the body belongs to you, you can do whatever you want, or be however you want. You can look and wear anything that comforts you. It's the world that has to make adjustments with you, not you with them.

And then on whenever people say something about my height I would either answer them in sarcastic way or completely laugh it off. As people always come to talk to me which made me a little more confident.

I would say, I don't get anxious whenever I have to go out or someone says something about my height or my skin colour, I'm dark-skin girl. Just like that it shouldn't matter guys. You shouldn't let others comments, opinions get to your head. It's your body, your choice, your comfort, your option to do anything you want with your own body.

Nobody, I nobody's thoughts should change your desire to not buy or waer anything you desire. When you start loving your body, your imperfect soul, then not any kind of inferiority complex is going to get you, so there won't be a question of Anxiety at all.

Inferority complex is like stress guys, however long you choose to keep it, for that long it'll stay and just give birth into Anxiety, but if you choose to get if off just like a uncontrollable sneeze which comes and goes. Don't ever sleep with inferiority complex as your blanket because the next moment you open your eyes it will pretty much be turned into Anxiety.

Let's just go with the flow, life is of few days and few nights, in which you have to live your utmost in daytime and relax in nightime. So try to live it rather than just existing.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist."

-Oscar Wilde

This quote remained with me for very long time. As I also try to live my life as much as I can. You also try it, just one fine morning when you wake up from sleep going to freshen up see yourself in that mirror for at least one minute and smile. For once your soul will feel happy, your body will be proud that you are appreciating it's work of day and night to keep you healthy and stable when you are doing nothing but feeling sorry, regretting for that very own body. It's not fair to your own body.

Guys, life is not always about black and white, there is also a mixture of these both, Grey. So try to accept everything and everybody. World or Mother Nature accepts and welcomes everybody without complaining of which skin tone you have or which religion you belong , or which country you are born; she simply accepts and loves everyone equally. Remember one things, we are the guest in this beautiful home not the other way around so it is no human's right underestimate anything or anyone. Everything is same for Mother Nature.

Apart from that try to stay happy, spread more happiness through your smile keeping your jaw muscles in check. Try to love all equally has every human has blood colour in red itself not some other and also skeletons look same of every human being irrespective of caste, colour, creed and sex.

This is wild_heartbeats writing off.

Love yourself.

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