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You were in your third year of college. It was the first day and you were just as nervous as last year. You'd been the first to get to class so you sat in the empty lecture hall watching the professor converse with the other professors standing outside in the hallways. Your phone vibrated so you slid it out of your pocket reading the text from your friend jalen.

Jayden :) :
What room # is it again?

You smiled a little before quickly texting him the room # that was printed on your schedule. You and him had the same first course and you were glad because you didn't know anyone who had this same course as you. Soon students began to file into the lecture hall with the professor greeting them at the door and Jayden came inside, he smiled at you and you smiled back waving at him.

He frowned when he saw that two other people had already taken the spots beside you but you waved him off and he slumped dramatically before finding another seat. Soon the professor came in and class began, you and Jayden shared one last glance before you turned to the front and began to pay attention.

Class ended pretty quickly and the teacher decided to give everyone the last 15 minutes of class to talk to each other freely. Jadyen walked up to your seat while you got your things together and you talked about how you thought this course would be pretty nice and easy to breeze through. You also took this as a good time to look around the class and see who knew who.

Soon it was time to leave and you breezed through your 2nd course which you had with your best friend Mika. Her mom was a popular and well known professor at the school so she was pretty popular and on top of all of that she was very attractive so she was super excited for school.

You on the other hand... you were a little gloomy. Your 1st and 2nd years were nightmares and now you'd try again with your 3rd year but you will admit that now you had glown up quite a bit. You'd lost weight and started getting your hair done, not to mention your sense of style has gotten way better. Right now you had box braids which were put up into a low bun with two braids hanging out on the side to frame your face.

It was still a little warm outside so you were wearing a pair of  black and white checkered slip on vans, high waisted jean shorts and a cute black and white graphic tee that had the moon and stars on it. You didn't really like to go all out like other people did on the first day back so you kept it simple. As you entered your 3rd course of the day you saw someone you knew from highschool who'd just transferred and took a seat next to them.

They waved at you and you two made small talk until the bell rung. This class would be split differently though. There was tons of different places students could go on campus to grab something to throughout the day and you had set your schedule up to where you went to get lunch durning this lecture which meant you stayed for an hour, the professor dismissed you all and you left for lunch at the little cafe you loved and came back and spent 30 more minutes in said lecture.

As class started you felt yourself getting hungry and you always get a little grumpy when you're hungry but you tried to fight it off. The professor decided to go around the classroom and make everyone say their names, their major if they had one, their favorite thing to do and, how they were feeling uni so far and everything was going swimmingly until it was your turn.

The teacher looked at you as a hint that it was your turn so you sat up straight and began to speak. "My name is y/n I'm a double major in dance and psychology and I like hmm... I enjoy dancing" the teacher smiled before speaking "okay hello y/n it's nice to meet you and how are you doing today?" She asked nicely and a bit sarcastically you smiled matching her sarcasm "well as you can see I don't really wanna be here" you said coolly and little did you know that everyone in that class who hadn't known you before would now think you were a quote on quote smartass.

The teacher and the students began to laugh, the girl you knew in high school looked at you like you were crazy. "Y/n!" She said quickly catching your attention when the teacher moved on to the next student. You looked over at her calmly but she looked as if she'd seen a ghost, she knew good and god damn well the old you would've never said anything like that. "You're completely different from how you used to be" she said now looking at you as if she was studying you.

You shrugged "people change" after that she didn't say anything else. You and your high school associate aka Paris walked to the cafe together and found Mika, Paris went on and on about your new profound 'attitude' as Mika told her it was nothing new to her now. In middle school and high school you were shy and filled with anxiety. A complete mental disaster on wheels, and most people you knew took advantage of that pushing you around and making you feel like nothing more than the dirt on the bottom of their shoes.

Your crippling mental health was something that held you down tremendously as you carried yourself through those years and on top of that you were an overweight dance major and oh did everyone in your class love to make fun of that. At one point it got so bad you skipped class afraid of being made fun of. You'd almost even given up dancing but somehow you'd figured out a way to efficiently hold your own and that was something you'd had to work up over years of it constantly being torn down.

Your lunch break and the last 30 minutes of your third course went along smoothly but on your way to your last class of the day was when it got slightly eventful. As You left 3rd block You walked alone up to the 3rd floor in the building, while you were walking up the stairs You tripped and fell forward hitting your knee on the concrete stairs "shit" You mumbled out before attempting to stand again. You'd dropped your phone and it slid down the stairs and tapped the foot of a bystander, he picked it up and held it out to you.

You'd finally stood up straight and looked at the person handing you your phone. He was a tall guy with pretty brown eyes, pretty lips, and nice thick dark brown hair that seemed to be rustled up from the wind. He smiled at you and you couldn't not see the way his dimples made a dazzling appearance along with his pearly whites.

You caught yourself trying to make it seem like you weren't just staring at the beautiful stranger, quickly grabbing your phone back from him and thanking him. His smile never left his lips as he said it was no problem. You two looked at each for a few seconds before you finally turned to leave before you were late. He let you go watching you head up the next flight of stairs before leaving to head to his next class.

Your heart was beating a little bit faster but you were calmer now. You found your class happy you'd already known your professor. She greeted you happily at the door, you looked around the lecture room picking a row at the back and getting comfortable. A few people you knew came in and you waved to them and after the bell rang class started.

You'd breeze through each lecture everyday. Not much happened in your everyday life anyways. You had the same schedule. It was always wake up, school, after school club, dorm and repeat. It was like that for the first few weeks as you we're okay with that, you'd settled in but things were about to get hectic.

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