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Panting you went to sit down and drink some water while angel started to perform her solo which was the eve by exo. Angel was super pretty in your opinion. She was mixed but she had more of a brown skin complexion, she had long loose curly hair and light brown eyes. She was taller than you standing at about 5'5 and she had a great shape, slim waist a nice sized ass and b cup tits. But She had a bit of a resting bitch face and was quiet so even with her looks not a lot of people spoke to her.

But once you two met you had just clicked instantly. She was the Aquarius to your Gemini and it was an healthy friendship. As she began to dance you couldn't help but to look over at the guys to see if they were watching and they were but just as you looked namjoon's eyes flicked to yours and he smiled before gesturing for you to come to him.

You put your water bottle down and waltzed over to him without disturbing angel's dance. "Y/n! You did so good" he said catching the rest of the guys attention you smiled "thanks" you said trying not to smile too hard. "I wanted to thank you for earlier too, y'know with that girl-" he said while scrunching up his face in disgust.

You frowned "it's no problem! What she did was weird and creepy and I wish Jin would've let me translate so I could whoop her ass if she tried me afterwards" you said rolling your eyes. The others broke out in laughter. "She didn't even say oppa right it didn't sound right coming from her mouth" Jin said with a disgusted face.

You tilted your head in curiosity "then how is it supposed to be said?" You asked in genuine curiosity. The boys looked at each other in shock. "How do you think it's supposed to be used?" Jin asked wanting more clarification before explaining.

"Well I thought it meant like older brother or like it's something a girl calls a guy that's older than her when they're close friends or it's her boyfriend right?" You said squinting at the group. "Well technically yes but sometimes it's used in a more... inappropriate way and that's what she was trying to convey it as towards me" namjoon said slowly and you squinted even harder


~See now Even though you weren't dumb you were still a tiny bit innocent and lowkey oblivious when it all came down to it. ~

"Basically oppa could be used as Korean version of daddy kinda sorta" yoongi cut in looking at you in amusement. Your eyes widened and you wanted to face palm right then and there. "I know you fuckin lying" you said with a shocked expression and yoongi shook his head "nope, how about you try saying it for me hm? Like this O-" all of a sudden Jin cut in "AHT AHT keep your kink to yourself!!"

You were about to explode of course yoongi was attractive and his voice- lets just say you'd do anything he'd ask of you but thankfully jin cut in and saved you from embarrassment. You didn't wanna seem like a slut either.

"What? I was just trying to teach her a little Korean" yoongi said his eyes flitting to you and upon seeing you shrink in on yourself in embarrassment he smirked. He could tell you and him would get along very well. You bit your tongue looking anywhere but in yoongi's direction. He had you hot and bothered just like that and you hated it.

"Y/n!" You turned to see Raya pulling stay tonight up on the monitor. You were about to excuse yourself so you could run off to get in position but just before you could do so you heard yoongi speak. "Put on a show for us pretty girl!" You heard him shout and angel and Raya looked at you with blatant shock in their eyes. You looked away trying your best not to smile or giggle.

As the music started you went into performing mode just as before but you were feeling a bit giddy so once you heard Mia and angel hyping you up as always you began to show out. Facial expressions and all. You had decided to do the background dancers parts during the dance break instead of just standing and even though it was challenging you pulled through executing it perfectly.

You could hear the others cheer you on and you couldn't help but too smile and finish out strong.

(For reference you can skip to the end for the dance break here! ⬆️)

"Yeahhh! That's what's I'm talking about baby!!" You heard angel shout along with cheers from everyone else. You giggled through your panting and sat down. "Okay okay who's next!" You said quickly wanting the attention off of you. "You were that last one and obviously the grand finale!" Mia said excitedly.

"Thanks you guys" you said a bit quietly "alright y'all does everyone have a ride home.." you sat listening to Raya and everyone began to pack up. You had your own car so you were fully capable of driving yourself home and Angel hadn't needed a ride home today so you Walked over to say goodbye to her knowing she was about to ask you to spill alllll the tea.

"Girl what the fuck?!" She said as soon as you got close enough you tried to hold back a laugh as she stared at you like you'd gone crazy. "It's a long story" you sighed. She shook her head "just FaceTime me when you get to your dorm... I want every detail" she said while squinting at you. You giggled and she smiled before her phone rang, it was her roommate telling her she was outside so she left while waving rapidly.

"Y/n!" You turned to see the entire group of heathens behind you. "Yes Jin?" You said while going back to putting your stuff in your book bag "do you have a ride? If not I can take you" He said nonchalantly you turned slinging your book bag over your shoulder "oh no it's okay I drove today" you said quickly he nodded.

"Oh okay we'll see you tomorrow then" and then he fucking winked and you could've swore you lost it. As he turned to leave the other 3 followed him in a line like little ducklings all waving to you. You smiled and waved back at them in return as you watched them leave.
While you walked to you car your mind was reeling you couldn't believe that those boys had even spoken to you.

You knew you were probably being dramatic but it was just so surreal. On the way home you decided to take a detour and grab some McDonald's because you were in a good mood and you finally got to your dorm safe and sound.

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