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You arrived at campus and set forth to your first course of the day which was by far the easiest and Jayden was gonna be there which was a plus on its own. You'd get to confront him about knowing the namjinyoonseok throuple? Quadruple? Whatever, as well so you were feeling a bit anxious but like good anxious.

As you made your way inside the classroom you had ten minutes to spare so your anxiety was put at ease that is until the professor got a call and after he hung up he called you over to his desk.

"You're needed in the deans office ms.L/n" he said and you nodded grabbing your things and setting off to the office. You already knew what it was about and you were trying to mentally prepare yourself, but all that went in vain when you entered the deans office and spotted Jeremiah sitting there as well. You didn't ever want to be in the same room with him again, his presence alone was putting you on edge.

"Good morning ms.L/n" the dean greeted from her place behind her desk "good morning ma'am" you replied and she gave you a sorrowful smile "take a seat will you sweetheart" you did so sitting down in the seat that was placed infront Of her desk and horizontally set beside Jeremiah's.

"So it has come to my attention that at Friday nights game, Jeremiah sexually assaulted ms. Y/n here is that right?" The dean said eyeing Jeremiah who shifted nervously in his chair. "T-that's not what happened s-see, I thought she wanted it" Jeremiah began to ramble and you wanted to punch him in his throat. In no way or form did you ever give off that type of vibe to him at any time.

"You thought she 'wanted it'?" The dean questioned sarcastically and he nodded pathetically. She sighed and turned to you, "did you at any time convey to Jeremiah that you wanted to partake in physical intercourse with him?" She asked and you hurriedly shook your head "he has a girlfriend and I was never interested in him to begin with!" You said and the dean turned her attention back to Jeremiah who was now biting his lips nervously.

"So you're a cheater and you tried to force yourself on this talented A B honor roll student thinking you could somehow get away with it?" She asked Jeremiah before taking her glasses off and rubbing at her temples. "You two have a class together yea? Not anymore. Jeremiah this is your third offense I'm afraid I'm going to have to expel you from this university" the dean finished and a weight lifted off your chest. You wouldn't have to deal with Jeremiah ever again.

"What! B-But ma'am my dad is going to kill me! You can't do this!" He pleaded but the dean shook her head. "You will be given 2 days to collect your things and get off of campus, security will escort you out now." She said with a fake smile, and you watched jaw dropped as it all happened. Two campus officers came in and grabbed Jeremiah as he fought against their grip. "NO! NO! IT WAS A MISTAKE SHE BEGGED ME FOR IT! FUCKING SLUT!!-"

He shouted as he was escorted out forcefully and you covered your ears. You knew his words weren't true but they still stung like hell. You began to cry and within seconds the dean was at your side calming you. "It's okay, we know he's lying theres footage of what actually happened... you are such a brave young woman for coming forward." She said and you nodded along with her words thanking her for everything.

The dean sent you home for the week but not before allowing you to collect the rest of the weeks work from your teachers which took a bit but soon after you were sent off. You were feeling a range of emotions and you didn't feel stable enough to drive so you decided to sit on one of the benches outside of the building even though it was cold as a bitch outside it gave you something else to focus on.

You sat for about 10 minutes watching other students pass by and rush to classes. Soon you spotted yoongi making his way across campus. You thought about whether you should try and catch his attention or let him be since he looked like he was in a rush. Once you looked up to look at him again he'd changed his path now walking straight towards you. You waved a bit nervous now and he smiled waving back as he approached and taking a seat next to you on the bench.

"Hi" he said a bit stiffly and you frowned. He knew didn't he. "I'm guessing you know I know?" you asked cutting straight to the point and he look surprised but nodded "how'd you know" he chuckled nervously and you shrugged "you're too tense" you stated clutching your jacket closer to your body for warmth. He nodded "fair enough... so what are you doing just sitting out here in this cold?" He asked and you shrugged.

"Just needed to clear my head... the dean called me and Jeremiah into her office today" you said looking down at your car keys that you fumbled with at the moment. "What'd she say?" Yoongi asked looking over to you and you turned to do the same. "She expelled him." You said and there was a moment of silence before you felt yoongi's warm hand grasping yours out of your pocket and intertwining them.

"I'm so glad you won't have to deal with him anymore, it's such a relief... kinda sad though I really wanted to kick his ass" yoongi chuckled and you didn't know why but your eyesight began to blur with tears. You pulled him into a tight hug which took him completely off guard. He knew you weren't one for physical affection so the most he's ever done with you was hand holding. "Thank you... for staying and caring" you mumbled into his chest and he relaxed into your hug bringing his hand up to the back of your neck and pinching you.

You groaned as you struggled to get away but he just held you closer. "I'd never leave you, and now you're stuck with me" he said pulling away to look at you with the cutest gummy smile and you couldn't help but to smile back. Everything felt so warm even in this ridiculously cold weather.

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