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You all continued watching the game. Yoongi had left to go get into his uniform and now you and namjoon where animatedly talking about one of the professors you both shared mutual hatred for. "I know right she's such a bitch-" "y/n!" You turned in the direction your name was being called from and you sighed upon seeing Jeremiah walking towards you.

"Heyyyy Jeremiah" you said trying not to seem too rude because technically he hadn't done anything to you yet. "Wassup" he said trying to seem cool "can I sit here?" He asked pointing to where yoongi had originally sat and you nodded cursing yourself for being so nice.

"How was the jr varsity game?" He asked putting his bag down next to himself. "Well we lost but only by a few" you said trying to seem nonchalant when in reality you wanted to continue your conversation with namjoon.
"Figured, jr varsity is kinda trash" and you nodded "yeah sorta"

After that he stopped talking much but every now and then you would catch him looking at you.

After about 30 minutes you felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to look at Jeremiah who was already looking at you. "Could you come to the concession stands with me?" He asked and you were about to tell him to just go on his own but he started to open his mouth and you didn't feel like hearing him beg so you went willingly.

As you two were walking to the concessions he pulled you aside in a little corner where no one could really see you both. "What are you doing?" You asked giving him an annoyed look but he only smiled. "I just wanted to be alone with you. That guy you were sitting next to was eyeing me everytime I looked your way" he tsked "who is he anyways? Your boyfriend?" He said sarcastically making you a little angry.

"Why do you care? And what do you mean be alone with me? For what?" You said with your annoyance level getting higher and higher. "I just think you know, that we've got something special and I wanted to act on it" Jeremiah said leaning into you. You backed up, your back hitting the wall but he never stopped, coming even closer. "Stop what the hell are you doing!" You said attempting to push him away.

"Come on baby don't be like that, let's have fun" he said sleazily and you tried to push him off but he grabbed your arms pushing them above your head. "I'm gonna scream" you said shakily but he only chuckled "Baby come on just let me play with you" he insisted and you were on the verge of a breakdown. You shook your head opening your mouth to scream but he just smacked his hand over your mouth to prevent you from making a sound.

He began to kiss down your neck, pushing himself against you and you screamed to the best of your ability only to have it come out muffled by his hand. You tried to fight but he was too strong easily overpowering you. Your tears spilled over and you squeezed your eyes shut hoping and praying that someone would come help you.

"Y/n!, Y/N!" You heard Jayden's voice and your eyes flew open. Jeremiah continued his assault on your neck going as far as biting down. You whimpered crying even harder once you heard namjoon shout your name as well. Jeremiah looked at you "tell them you're fine and that you'll be back in a minute" he said his hand reaching up to wrap around your throat.

You choked on your tears shaking your head, he began to trace his other hand along your body reaching the hem of your shirt. "Come on quit playing" he threatened "Y/N!!" You heard namjoon and Jayden getting closer. This was your only chance, you quickly brought your knee up successfully hitting Jeremiah in the balls and he let you go immediately dropping to his knees.

You took off following namjoon and Jayden's voices and soon you spotted both of them in the crowds thanking god for their abnormally tall heights. As soon as you reached them you ran straight into namjoon's arms. He held you there while him and Jayden exchanged confused looks.

"Y/n what's wrong? where's Jeremiah? What happened? Are you alright?" They both asked you a series of questions but you couldn't hear either of them. You'd began to hyperventilate and your hands started to tremble. Jayden already knew what was happening, he turned to namjoon quickly. "Oh my god, take her outside to get some fresh air, I'll find Jeremiah and figure out what the fuck is going on" Jayden said not giving namjoon time to respond before storming off in the direction you'd come running from.

Namjoon quickly did as Jayden told him taking you out to the parking lot in front of the gym. You hadn't stopped crying or shaking but he couldn't get a good look at you because you still hadn't let him go either. "Y/n please look at me" he said gently attempting to pry your hands away from his shirt so he could see your face.

You slowly pulled back sniffling and whimpering, his frowned deepened. "What happened y/n please tell me so I can make it better" he said gently still holding you close. "He- he touched m-me" you said before you were sobbing once again. Namjoon's heart plummeted.

He held you close his hand reaching up the the back of your neck to pull you even closer. "I'm so sorry y/n, I'm so sorry." Was all he said as he rocked you both back and forth doing his best to comfort you in the only way he knew how.

Meanwhile back in the bleachers the others had grown worried about you so they sent Jayden and namjoon to find you and Jeremiah but when the varsity game had started and none of you were back yet they had really started to worry. "Maybe I should go see what's going on" Jin offered looking to angel and hobi who were visibly concerned.

But just then Jayden came back. "You guys need to come outside now." He said seriously making everyone frown but follow him outside either way. There you were sitting next to namjoon trembling like a leaf even with how close he pulled you to chest. Jin and angel both rushed over to you. "Babes what's wrong?" Angel asked kneeling infront of you and holding your face gently in her hands.

"That bastard tried to rape her" Jayden said and you could hear the anger in his voice. Jin's eyes widened "are you fucking kidding me? Where is he I'll kick his ass-" Jayden shook his head "he ran off as soon as I found him like the pussy he is" Jin's jaw tightened. Angel grabbed your hands "how are you feeling babes?" She asked and you finally spoke up.

"I- I'm not s-so shaken now... thank you joonie, for- for holding me" you said with a weak smile and namjoon and angel gave weak ones back. "Do you want me to call one of the campus officers out here baby? I-" you were quick to stop her there "n-no I don't want anyone to know" you said weakly and angel frowned. "Y/n we can't just let him get away with this" jin said and you shook your head.

It was too embarrassing all because you couldn't fight back or say no, You had ruined everyone's night and now no one could have fun because of you. Yoongi was probably wondering why you all weren't in the stands cheering for him right about now. At that thought you hiccuped and you began to cry once again.

"I'm sorry" you said through tears and everyone quickly rushed towards you to calm you down. "Hey, hey why are you sorry? You shouldn't be" Namjoon said from beside you. "He's right, I promise you none of this is your fault" angel said right after him and you sobbed even harder.

"Yes it is" you cried bringing your hands up to cover your face "I ruined you guys night! And- and now yoongi doesn't have anyone to cheer for him and I- I'm so s-sorry" you stuttered out as you cried hysterically into your hands. Everyone looked at eachother giving pitiful looks.

You could hear them speaking before Angel stood and Jin replaced her. He pried your hands away from your face and he held your face in his warm hands delicately wiping your tears away. "I know you're going through a lot right now but I promise you this isn't your fault okay?" You nodded and he continued "we're all here for you and I- we promise that we won't let anything bad happen to you okay?" You nodded again and he smiled.

"Now listen to me okay?" Jayden said from behind Jin. "We're not gonna call the campus officers or anything but we are going to take you to angels dorm tonight because I don't want you alone in your dorm." you nodded and angel grabbed onto your hand. "I'll go and call my roommate now to ask her if it's okay" angel reassured before walking off to do so.

As you all waited Namjoon continued to hold you close and the feeling of his warmth was making you sleepy. You had already been through a lot tonight and you were just ready to go to sleep.

Soon you felt your eyelids drooping as you lost yourself in namjoon's warmth.

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