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Two of the notifications were from Snapchat and 4 from iMessage. You checked the iMessages first and they were all from the same person Mika. The first 2 were her asking where you had wondered off to and the others were just texted asking how you knew Jin.

You rolled your eyes. In 2nd year she had developed a "crush" on him and they texted but Jin never actually developed feelings for her, and she ended up whining to you about it nonstop and asking you to talk to him for her even though you didn't even know him at all. She constantly asked you for advice and even though you've never been in a relationship in your life you gave her the best advice you could.

But you were glad it didn't work out. You knew Mika so well, you knew she didn't actually like Jin she just admired him. He was very popular, he had good manners with teachers, and was very good at his sport, him being well off was only a plus. Mika was a sheltered kid, she was spoiled as hell. She had both her mother and father in the picture and she had 3 younger siblings, she got mostly whatever she asked for.

You didn't really envy her though because you knew reality would hit her someday. You on the other hand didn't have a stable family. You had lived with your aunt and her boyfriend with her 3 kids before you left for college. Before that you had lived with your grandmother and your uncle (your moms brother) but your aunt (your moms sister) took you from the household because of the physical and verbal abuse you endured while living there.

Your mother was sick she had a diease that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain and it also has a big impact on her functional abilities which enables her from being able to take care of you let alone herself and your father left not long after you were born. You never went to therapy but you never thought you needed it either. Being in that household made you grow up quicker than most leaving you to learn lots of things on your own.

You hated being alone, not being able to trust anyone 100% but that was how you lived. Kpop was a big part in you changing. It made you want more for yourself and that was why you began to take care of yourself but still making sure you weren't severely hurting anyone in the process because to you being cruel to others because you're upset or mad has no good outcome on either sides.

So you used personas.. depending on who you hung out with at the time you made sure they could never tell who you actually were inside. You put on a fake smile for everyone making sure to not fuck it up. That was the last thing you needed, you didn't want everyone to know how fucked up you actually were.

You texted her back a quick response saying you'd just met him today when you sat with Jayden at lunch. She texted back at the speed of light telling you that you two needed to talk later. You knew she was about to juice you for info but you sent back another simple reply saying ok. You found your AirPods slipping them in and packing up your stuff because you only had a few minutes till the bell rang.

Even after school your day wasn't Over. Every 2 weeks on Thursdays you stayed after school at the women's empowerment club Mika's mom helped manage. It looked good on your diploma and you and Mika got to see eachother more often, then Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's you stayed after with the kpop club.

Your super close friend angel was the one to convince you to join and you couldn't thank her enough. She knew more about you than anyone of your school friends did. For some reason you didn't feel like you had to put on a persona while you were around her. You and angel never had any courses together so you usually went to eachothers dorms and spent time together in club.

You took another look at your phone beginning to open up your snap to check those notifications. One message was from namjoon and the other was from Jin. You checked namjoon's first since his hand been on delivered for the longest.

Joonie0912 🦀:
Heyy, did u get to class okay? I hope Jin didn't bother you too much lol

Lmao nah everything was fine Jin's pretty funny but the dad jokes are a no for me 💀

After you sent a reply to namjoon you slid out of that conversation and clicked on Jin's snap it was a snap of his face.

You giggled quietly so you didn't draw attention to yourself quickly snapping a pic of your shoe captioning it "well hello to you too and nice boogers loser😌✨" before sending it and putting your phone away satisfied with your response

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You giggled quietly so you didn't draw attention to yourself quickly snapping a pic of your shoe captioning it "well hello to you too and nice boogers loser😌✨" before sending it and putting your phone away satisfied with your response.


The next day on your way to fourth block As you walked quickly looking down at your phone you bumped into something. It was rather firm so you guessed it was a pillar or something but when you looked up you came face to face with namjoon.

"Oh! My bad" you said quickly while fumbling to put your phone away. He only smiled "it's alright, I find it quite interesting how we always run into each other in abrupt ways" you couldn't help but to smile. "Yeah, I guess that is weird huh?" He nodded before speaking again.
"So I heard you think I'm hot?" He said with a smug grin and you rolled your eyes smiling nonetheless.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, wouldn't you like to know?" you said sarcastically making namjoon scoff. "Don't you have kpop club today?" He suddenly asked making you squint at him but nod anyways. "Yeah why?" He adjusted his book bag before answering. "One of your members asked me to come in today and try to teach you guys a little something about Korean" your eyes widened you'd forgotten all about that...

The president of your club, Raya wanted to get the members to learn some Korean because it could be a fun activity and you guys aren't the Korean culture club for nothing. Therefore she said next week she'd try and get one of her friends who's fluent in Korean to come and teach you all something.

"Oh yeah I do remember her saying something about it in our last meeting, I didn't think you'd be our guest though- are you fluent?" You asked genuinely wanting to know. He nodded "I lived in South Korea until I was 7 and then I moved here but my family speaks in Korean all the time at home so I'd consider myself fluent" he said calmly. He was happy that you genuinely wanted to know more about him.

He just hoped you wouldn't turn out to be the koreaboo type...

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