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You greeted everyone briefly before Jin and yoongi dragged you out of the gym to Jin's car. On the way to chick fil a you pouted in the backseat and yoongi's eyebrows furrowed, Jin had only explained the situation briefly before they left and he was still a little confused.

"Y/n?" Yoongi called you out of your little pity party, "Hmm" you said back not really wanting to talk. "What's wrong?" He asked flat out not really one to beat around the bush. "Nothing" you said plainly while looking out the window. Jin sighed and yoongi hummed in thought before speaking again "you don't have to tell me what's wrong but cheer up-" he looked back at you "if you're gonna cheer for me when I win you have to be in a good mood" he said with a chuckle.

And you tried you really did but you couldn't help but smile. "Ah there she is, such a pretty smile" Jin said after witnessing the exchange. "I thought she was gonna be upset the whole game I was gonna have to whip out my trusty jokes" and yoongi gagged "that probably would've made it worse" and you giggled at their bickering. The fact that Jin had said you had a pretty smile made you feel even better.

You didn't mind letting your guard down around them. Something about them just seemed homey and sincere and no matter how hard you tried you couldn't shake that feeling.

Finally, you all pulled up to the drive thru which was hella long for no reason. "Do you want anything?" Yoongi asked since there was only one car ahead of you. You took your wallet from your back pocket but he stopped you there. "No, no I'll buy it. Just tell me what you want" he said nonchalantly while getting his wallet out. You shook your head "no it's okay, I got it" you mumbled and yoongi huffed "stop being stubborn-" then Jin stepped in.

"Aye free food is free food, accept it while you can! Yoongichi! Are you going to pay for me as well?" He asked batting his eyelashes at yoongi dramatically. Yoongi rolled his eyes but smiled anyways "of course jagi" you squinted in confusion "jagi? Yoongi dismissed it with the wave of his hand "it's Korean, now tell me what you want before you don't get anything at all brat"

You sighed giving in and telling him what you wanted. He paid and you went through the line successfully. You all got back to campus about 20 minutes before the game started and thankfully junior varsity played first so yoongi could sit with you all a bit longer.

When you made it back angel asked you what you needed to tell her and you quietly told her about the Jin situation. When you finished she grinned at you teasingly and you sighed dramatically "whaaat?" You whined and she poked your cheek "he likes youuuu" and you shook your head "ain't no way, why would he do that to himself" you said shaking your head even more.

It was now angels turn to sigh "bitch you not even that bad what are you talking about" you giggled "bitch I get anxiety from waiting in line, what you think" you said trying to use humor to avoid the actual subject. "I think you are a great person and Jin or who the fuck ever will be lucky to date you" angel said getting serious all of a sudden.

You pouted "awwww, your too sweet" you said shoving one of your fries in her mouth. You two both began to laugh and Jayden being the nosey mf he is asked what was so funny. You brushed him off telling him it was nothing before going back to sit with everyone else.

Soon the other schools team arrived and both junior varsity teams started to warm up on the court. You felt someone tap your shoulder so you looked over seeing that it was Jin. "What's up" you asked looking over "come with me to throw this away please" he asked with puppy dog eyes and you couldn't refuse so you nodded and he smiled happily. "Let's go"

You both gathered your trash and you gave Jayden your drink telling him to hold it for you while you left and you and Jin made your way off the bleachers and to the garbage can on the opposite side of the gym. Once you got there and threw your stuff away as you were turning to leave Mika had came out of the girls changing room in her full cheer outfit.

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