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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar english isn't my first language.

"Jiiiiiim, how are you? Did you sleep well?" Jimin immediately give Taehyung a smack on his head.

"Ouch what was that for?"
"Why did you ask Mr. Min to pick me up there! I told you not to do that" Taehyung pouted.

"Jim I'm just worried, I'm sorry if I didn't help you last night it's because Jungkook was there in my unit and I don't know what to do to help you" Jimin sighed,
"So how was the first night?" He smiled.

"Cut it Taehyung, bye I need to go"

As Jimin went inside Yoongi's office he bowed and put the black coffee on Yoongi's table.

"Jimin" Jimin startled when Yoongi called him, he shot his head up meeting his dark orbs
"Y-Yes Mr. Min?"

"Get the papers I ask to Hoseok and make sure it's complete" Jimin nodded and take his leave.

"Here, tell Mr. Min that all the papers are signed already"
Jimin bowed and walk out Hoseok's office.

As Jimin went inside Yoongi's office he immediately give the papers to him.

"Mr. Min would you prefer the planning team meeting to be next month?"
Yoongi sighed while scanning all the papers
"Next week would be good"
"Okay Mr. Min I'll contact the planning team."

"Whats my schedule this hour?"
Jimin immediately looked at the mac book, "You will have a meeting with Mr. Wang in 2 hours" Yoongi didn't respond.


"This way Mr. Min" Jimin open the door for Yoongi and they saw Jackson Wang sitting while looking at his phone.

"Sorry if I'm late"
"No it's alright, so can we start discussing?" Jackson slightly smiled.
Yoongi take a seat infront of Jackson while Jimin sit beside him.

After discussing their business Jackson order an alcohol.
"Let me pour you're cup Mr. Min"
"Sure thank you" Jackson poured his cup full.

"How about you Mr. Park?" Jimin smiled at him
"J-Just one cup Mr. Wang" he politely said.

As he drink up the whole alcohol, he closed his eyes tight as he taste the bitterness.
Jackson and Yoongi keep on drinking while Jimin checking Yoongi every second.

Jimin leaned closer at Yoongi's ear and whisper
"Mr. Min don't drink to much"
Yoongi leaned his back at the chair arm crossed on his chest while smirking at Jimin.

Jimin sit properly as he saw Jackson raised his hand and an waiter bring another drink,
The waiter was pouring their cup when he trip and half of the the alcohol spilled all over of Yoongi's suit.

"Mr. Min!" Jackson panicked,
"Mr. Min! Are you alright?" Jimin immediately stand up,
He went towards Yoongi and grabbed a napkin and start wiping his suit.

The waiter keep bowing his head" I-I'm sorry Mr. Min I din-"
"No it's alright, it's an accident" Yoongi calmly said, While Jimin keep on wiping Yoongi suit.

"I'll get you're another suit on the car so you can change."
"Yes thank you"
"I'll so you to a room where you can change, I'm sorry again" the waiter bowed and leave the room.

"I'll get you're suit Mr. Min you can wait me at the room" Yoongi nodded.

As Jimin get Yoongi's suit he went at the room where the waiter said
"Mr. Min?" He knocked and the door slowly open,

When he looked up his eyes widen when he saw Yoongi is shirtless, revealing his pale chest.

"Thank you Mr. Park, will you can in?"
Jimin looked away, gulping hard and his checks  we're bright red.
They both went inside and Yoongi closed the door.

Jimin give the paper bag at him so he can change immediately.

"Shit why he's so hot, he's body was so perfect"

Yoongi continuing wearing his black long sleeve as he saw Jimin staring at him.

"You like the view Mr. Park?"
Jimin flinched and immediately looked away rubbing his neck embarrass. "T-Tell me if you w-want to go home Mr. Min so y-you can rest"

Yoongi smirked and turned around face Jimin, seeing his cheeks we're bright red.

Yoongi walk towards near him while Jimin step back hitting the wall.
"M-Mr. Min?"
He lean closer at Jimin's face while he was still smirking, "Your blushing Mr. Park."

Jimin looked at the side trying to hide his blushed cheeks.
"M-Mr. M-Min y-your drunk we s-should go."
"Cute" He mumble, Yoongi step back making space between them and making Jimin let a deep sighed.

Jimin startled when they both hear a knock, "Yes?" Yoongi turned around,
The staff bowed as he open the door
"We would like to laundry you stained clothes and sen it to you."

"Okay, here it is, thank you" the staff bowed and went out the room
"Jimin" Jimin flinched and looked up at Yoongi, "Y-Yes Mr. Min?"
"The staff asked the address of the company."

"A-Ah yes I'll take care of that, y-you can wait me at the car Mr. Min"
Yoongi nodded and walk out leaving Jimin alone.


"Sorry for waiting you" Jimin went inside the car
He starts driving and he feel uncomfortable, the ride was so silent.

Jimin looked at the rear mirror seeing Yoongi resting his head while eyes we're closed.
He sighed and continue driving, then he remember he didn't looked for a place to stay, it was so embarrassing if he will stay again at Yoongi's house.

"Jimin?" Jimin flinched when Yoongi called his name
"Y-Yes Mr. Min?"
"Do you found a place to stay" he asked while his eyes we're still closed.

"Ahm a-about that, I didn't but I-I'll leave and pack my things immediately sir when we're home"
Yoongi open his and looked at the rear mirror seeing Jimin biting his lips.

"You can stay whenever you want"
"S-Sir?" Jimin looked at the rear mirror too and meeting Yoongi's dark orbs.

"You can stay, I also need someone at home"
"B-But sir i-it was so-" "It's alright and thats an oder" Yoongi closed his back back.

"T-Thank you sir" he smiled
"I-I promise I help you with t-the bills and the food also c-cleaning your h-house" Yoongi just hummed.



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