Part of the disease

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Norman woke up and he cursed himself: he didn't even closed his eyes...he couldn't after all. The melodic tone of the mermaid saying his name played in his head like a melody and he couldn't think about anything else. Actually he gave up in sleeping and did something he didn't do for a long time.

He opened his window and climbed to the roof of his apartment. In felt so nice to feel the cold night wind blow his white silver hair away. He closed is eyes as he tried to picture and memorize de light of the city in his imagination. 

Did he ever felt this lonely? He always liked to be by himself, just him and his tought were enough for him. The silence of his presence didn't like the noice that others made. Still, he felt attacked to those lights, to those people working and drinking, their tinny life just as meaningless as a little light in between millions of others 

Just like the scared him that his life was such a little silent light 

This father did said now meaningless their life's were, but for Norman he was everything and the memories he carried so heavy, enough to bring him down to his knees. He did tell him to let go...but he did nothing but to hold on...anyway he could

His presence was still here...but it was a sad emptiness and he wanted to be able to took at all the left behind and smile, toast to his life and smile from the found memories...the cold wind felt refreshing in his mind  

" Maybe...I should go back's getting cold" 

He feel asleep as he played the voice of the mermaid in his headphones. Still, when he felt his mind give up to his tiredness it was already day and it was already time to go back to the lab. A little bit frustrated, Norman got up ad prepared himself to head out to work

Just as he picked his jacket and his papers, his eyes deviated to the little shelf he had just by his bed and he was able to smile...even if he was conscious that it was a sad smile. He stood by the shelf as he picked the little book his father once gave him. 

" Well, let's put this to a good use! It's no use being here getting dust, right? She will like it" 

Just as Norman arrived at the lab a little late, Don and Gilda had left a message in his desk. What was it about? 

Hi Norman, me and Gilda were requested to work in another facility for today! Don't worry! The government just wanted to test something and they needed or help! Hope you are ok and be careful with that mermaid! Don't be hypnotized by her charms... be strong man! 

- Don

Norman sighted: Don was quite funny but he was a bit strange in Norman's eyes since it was difficult to read if he was kidding or talking seriously and that made in quite confused. Still, another experiment in another lab? Why didn't they called him? He had the highest grade he had the most expensive work contract... 

Still, he was happy they din't called him. Now whit no one but him ( expect for the body guard that was always here by his side in the lab door ) Norman had all the time and space to interact with the mermaid. He was happy

" Hi there! Good morning! Hope you are all right! Did you sleep well?" 

The mermaid waved back at him with a smile...she seemed well and Norman wondered if it was ok to take her bandages off. After all she had a powerful regeneration system...oh he wish he had that too cuz his hand as still hurt.

Still, she didn't seemed to mind that. Her eyes were locked on the strange unknown object Norman had on his hand as she wondered that that might be? 

" want to check this out? It's a little present that I brought for you! It's called a book."

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