We share the same blood

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Norman sighted...maybe the audio test wasn't a good ideia after all...even if Emma did understand that he said...she didn't look the same and she had been down like that for 2 weeks. Norman was more worried as time passed and anything he would do seemed to work out on Emma 

Her hair wasn't bright at all, her green eyes were so sad and she would't talk to him. Not just that, she didn't cooperated in the test samples and Norman feared that he would have to force her and that was the last thing that he wanted to do...

When he glimpsed at her, she had a pen in her hand and she seemed to be drawing something? It was interesting what she could draw? Did mermaids draw? For a moment Norman felt stupid for thinking or maybe let his child imagination picture a mermaid drawing in a paper under the sea 

The paper would be wet right? 

" Emma what are you drawing?"

" Friends?"

Norman twisted his face...he did tough that and now, she was holding his arm with so many strength in a desperate movement, in a worthless try to picture her pain. Norman felt evil in that moment, as evil as Vicent, as the government, as the ones you took her away form her family  

Was his approach a way to peace his mind which felt guilty to cooperate in all that? Behind his kindness he did felt guilty, like he was killing her, himself, but using violence but neglecting that he knew she wanted 

He understood but he  pretended to don't understand, because the worst blind people are not the ones who don't see, but the ones who don't want to see...and he shoved his head and his ocean eyes away from her sadness and lied to her: 

" Sorry...I can't do anything" 

A excuse for him to be a coward, for conformism, for the same old routine and life that he desperately wanted to keep

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A excuse for him to be a coward, for conformism, for the same old routine and life that he desperately wanted to keep. It was hard to change, it was hard to go against the world and he was scared:

*I'm sorry father...I'm not as strong as you tough I was...I can't do anything after all...*

So he did what he did best and turned his eyes and his back on her. She turned her eyes way from him. If she knew that Norman was the one who, in some way, saved her, she knew that he was also keeping her there and for a moment she felt truly angry

In a selfish moment she blamed him, for her disgrace, for her situation and misery...he was the one who kept her there. Couldn't he pick her up and return her into the sea? Was his kindness a way to tie her down to here she didn't wanted to be? 

If he was keeping her to himself, she didn't wanted to see his face anymore

* Human are indeed terrible creatures...I'm sorry mama for not listening to you...I'm so sorry* 

She sighted : she did want to bealive that were was good in Norman's actions, that was good in his peaceful approach, but...

She didn't wanted to look at his face anymore: the beautiful hair she once touched seemed now discussing to her. Norman noticed this: she didn't talked to him, she always looked angry and he couldn't even reach her in the tank since she was always in the edge of the aquarium 

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