Dearly, painfully letting you go

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Author's note: 

So this chapter happen on the helicopter trip that Norman and everyone is ( except Emma ) to rescue Ray with Don and Gilda's help at the lab. I'm sorry of this chapter is slow paced but I wanted to not only focus on Norman and Emma's relationship but Norman's and Yuugo's 

I feel like Norman was only able to be with Emma because of Yuugo, so I felt the need to write all these contradictory feelings and all..

Hope it didn't turned out boring! 

Please enjoy this chapter! 

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When Emma held the necklace Norman placed on her, the helicopter was far gone in the night sky. She closed her eyes to listen to that annoying sound that always bothered her: it was the sound of departure. It was actually the sound of freedom for her...but at what cost? 

Her brother, her dear Ray was cough by trying to save her...if she had been there maybe... No

Emma closed off those feelings. Just like Norman once told her, if was not worth to think of that could have happen. She had to face reality but...dreaming what life could have been was something everyone did, at least once a day. 

She was being selfish and she was being lovely, she smiled as she cooped her own face: Norman labeled his behavior as selfish, he thinks he wanted her to himself...but Emma smiled because she knew it was a lie 

Even if he was rushing to save her brother out of selfish reasons

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Even if he was rushing to save her brother out of selfish reasons...Emma didn't mind. We all are a bit selfish, right? Pure, uninterested love is something that belongs on novels, on movies, the ones Norman told her about. 

And Emma knew...she couldn't stop him because 

He was a force like she had never seen before 

" Please, bring my brother and yourself back here safely, Norman "

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" How long until we arrive at the capital ?" - Norman was already biting his nails as Gillian and Nigel piloted the helicopter. In the deep night, everything was black and the silent was crushing all the crew members. Violet and Oliver were watching the radar, Zack and Paula were making some food and Lucas was writing something in a little note book he had and Norman noticed only now 

" Since the radar doesn't pick on anything and the wind is quite favorable, maybe 1 more hour, I think " - Oliver sounded reluctant and Norman sighted at the sight of the silent helicopter 

" Look guys...I know this is super dangerous and I'm putting you all into a difficult already did everything for me and the only thing I do in return is find even more dangerous situations to put you in and - " 

" Cut the crap, Norman - Violet interrupted him cursing like she always did - do you think someone here is doing this against his / her will ? You say you have a lot of brains but you still haven't figured the reason why this special force was created" 

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