Heard you crying...so quietly

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Author's Note: Welcome to another chapther! Just here to say that if you were looking for smut this is your chapther! XD I mean I just got horny by the end of the chapther I guess, nothing explicit, just some hits UwU

Still, if you want to skip that part, feel free to do so! Also this chapther was inspired in the song " Heard you crying" by Michael Schulte, so I recommend you hearing the song as you read this fanfic


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Lucas and the others left in the morning. Norman was still holding on to Emma's hand in the bathroom. His eyes were closed until a ray of sunlight came down from the tiny window on the lovely tub where Emma rested. When Norman opened his eyes showly Emma had her green eyes already open, and she was looking into the window. 

Norman widen his eyes as if in a dream

" Emma! Emma! Can you hear me? Are you all right?" - Norman said as he let go of the hand that held hers - " Are you feeling better now!" 

Emma slowly turned her eyes into Norman, as if flavoring the moment of encountering him again. She looked at him with a painful expression

" Emma is so sorry, Norman...I didn't want to worry you..."

" It's ok! Please, tell me that's going on! Do you know why you feel sick? How do you feel? Do you want to go back to the ocean? The ocean it's right here, a few steps away from this place!" 

" Where are we? - Emma asked as she picked up Norman's hand from his sides. She loved how human skin felt against her green shinny scales - " The hideout ?" 

" We had to get out of there...the government came after us again...I'm sorry" - Norman looked down as he felt ashamed of himself. Just like Lucas said, if he "loved" her he would have to let her go...still, he suggested it as if he truly meant to let her go 

But he didn't. Inside him echoed a very loud voice 

Please...please don't leave me alone  

Still, Emma's answer to the foolish question he asked her, about that love was, lighted up on his sad memory 

Love is the prohibition of being alone, Norman

" Thank you...for protecting Emma, Norman! I feel bad...Ray must be in danger..." - Emma busted a sad smile as Norman took her hand 

" Ray? Who is Ray?" 

" Emma's brother...Emma thinks he was also captured like me..." - Emma looked at Norman and gesticulated towards her lungs - " Mermaids...flowers appear on our chest...when our family is suffering..." 

" Really? That's why you were coughing flowers? That's a relief...I tough it was some serious illness!  Still, if your brother is in trouble we need to help him, right? I'll see that I can do!" 

" Thank you, Norman!" - Emma smiled at him. Even pale, her smile cheered him up and Norman put his sleeves up as he walked of the bathroom leaving Emma behind and turning back to face her. 

" I go get you some ocean water to keep you hydrated, all right Emma? It that ok? I promise I won't take long since you are alone...I'll be back soon!" 

"Sure! See you Norman!" 

As Norman walked towards the beach he felt ashamed of himself as the tough of Emma not returning to the ocean due to the capture of her brother, Ray. Emma's love was pure, she had literal flowers in her lungs...her soul was clean and fresh and his hands were dirty.

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