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"Pizza? Check. Slushie? Check. Roku remote for YouTube? Check! I do believe that I am.." Before they could finish, a loud thump could be heard, along with the sound a grunting from a female voice. It took a solid ten seconds for (Y/N) to get up and head to their guest room to check out the noise.

"What the actual fuck! Get off of me Heather!" A tall, blonde girl could be seen shoving off a shorter one wearing green. "Excuse me? What are you all doing in my hou-" "Hush it a sec. I'm trying to get up." The blonde one huffed. (Y/N) raised their brows, helping her up. "No need to be a bitch, you're the ones in my house." (Y/N) glanced at another blonde, this one dressed in yellow. "You haven't spoken, you mind filling me in? I can't imagine these two Barbies telling me anything with their attitudes."

She snickered a little, only to get a glare from Heather Chandler "Well..we don't exactly know how to explain either. I'm Heather..and that's Heather..and so is she- well um. I'm Heather McNamara. The one that you just helped up is Heather Chandler." She gave (Y/N) a smile "Pleasure." (Y/N) raised a brow before nodding at the last Heather "And you?" "Oh! That's Heather Duke and.." a few more thuds could be heard "Oh for fucks sake- what now?"

Chuckling could be heard from the kitchen. "I know those voices anywhere-" Duke dusted off her skirt and sighed "You might want to hurry before they touch something." A crash could be heard. "Too late." As (Y/N) rushes out she stops to see two guys in her kitchen "Wait..I know them. Kurt and Ram right?" Both boys turned around upon hearing their names "Oh shit..He did it!" They pointed at each other while staring down at the broken bowls beneath them. A sigh left (Y/N)s lips as they ran a hand through their hair " are you guys..?" They looked at Heather Chandler and the jocks "alive?" All three tilted their heads "Excuse me- what do you mean by alive?" Chandler placed her hand in her hip with a grin as she turned to the window, a familiar face could be seen trying to grab (Y/N)s attention.

"Veronica fucking Sawyer...wonder if the psycho is here too." They muttered as they went to open the door "I am so sorry for coming in like this! And you won't believe me but I have zero idea where.." "Where you are. Trust me. I get it by now." (Y/N) nodded to the other five behind her "Well fuck. Did I really have to get stuck with high schoolers? No founding fathers?" (Y/N) shouted to no one. "Even Michael would have been better!" They huffed and plopped onto their couch. "Who's Michael..?" McNamara questioned, sitting beside (Y/N). "Be more- nevermind..alright um.. since you all clearly have no knowledge of yourselves and Ronnie isn't in her main outfit yet..everyone grab a seat." Despite being confused, everyone listened. Not like they could go anywhere else anyway. "Shit um..I'm (Y/N) and the least stalkerish way possible-" they glanced at JD for a second "I know a lot about you guys?" A gentle tap on (Y/N)/s shoulder came from behind the couch "Sorry..but could you possible help me with something..?" A young girl with a notepad and a super cute sweater smiled shyly and them. "Yeah yeah of course. She scooted over to make room "So we have everyone..Heathers, Jason, Veronica, rapists 1 and 2" "Hey!" (Y/N) just shrugged "And Martha."

(Y/N)  sighed and tossed the remote up and down a few times "So, you were saying something about knowing right?" JD asked "He speaks!" Chandler snickered as she got a glare from him "Anyways. Yes? Sorta? I know as much as I think I do? a lot of people know about all of you in a bunch of events that I guess you all haven't experienced yet?" (Y/N) attempted to explain "There is a movie and musical about you all. I actually was about to binge the musical before you all showed up." Veronica beaver against the back on the couch with her arms crossed "If you don't mind the extra guests, could I.." each and every one of them coughed "...we. Could we see what you're talking about?" With a small nod, (Y/N) searches up 'Beautiful' in the YouTube search bar "Here we go.."

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