Freeze Your Brain

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"So, whatcha got for us this time?" Kurt crossed his legs "Somebody stuck in a freezer? Gnarly brain experiments?" (Y/N) scoffed and shook their head "Watch and you'll see- that's literally the whole point of this. But no, it's actually about our bad boy here"
Veronica nudged him with a soft smile before the animatic started
I've been through ten high schools
"TEN?! Dude what the fuck did you do?" Ram said with his eyebrows raised. Heather Chandler shushed him and elbowed his side "Listen to the damn song!"
They start to get blurry
No point planting roots
Cause you're gone in a hurry
My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den
So it's only a matter of when
Martha shot JD a sympathetic look, seeming to already know what was about to happen..sort of.
I don't learn the names
Don't bother with faces
All I can trust is this concrete oasis
Seems ev'ry time I'm about to despair
There's a 7-Eleven right there
"Seriously? Out of all the places you could go to for relief?" Kurt laughed "Better than cocaine."
Each store is the same
From Las Vegas to Boston
Linoleum aisles that I love
To get lost in
I pray at my altar of slush
Yeah I live for that sweet frozen rush
"You buy her a slushee only to tell her your life story. Awesome date trench coat, awesome date." Heather Duke huffed.

Freeze your brain
Suck on that straw
Get lost in the pain
"That sounds oddly sexual.." Heather Chandler turned to (Y/N) "In there? Really?" Veronica nudged her and shook her head "We won't. I would never"
Happiness comes
When everything numbs
Who needs cocaine?
"See! I told you." JD smiled
Freeze your brain
Freeze your brain

Care for a hit?

Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?

Not anymore
When mom was alive
Veronica cringed at that "Well shit.." she muttered as Martha and Heather McNamara both gave JD sad looks.
We lived halfway normal
But now it's just me and my dad
We're less formal
I learned to cook pasta
I learned to pay rent
Learned the world doesn't
Owe you a cent
You're planning your future
Veronica Sawyer
"Dang right I am."
You'll go to some college
And marry a lawyer
But the sky's gonna hurt
When it falls
So you better start
Building some walls
Both jocks were now humming along to the song and swaying back and forth awkwardly. "Can you boys knock it off?" (Y/N) shushed them.

Freeze your brain
Swim in the ice
Get lost in the pain
Shut your eyes tight, till you vanish
From sight
Let nothing remain

Freeze your brain
Shatter your skull
Fight pain with more pain
"I don't like this one.." Martha sighed
Forget who you are
Unburden your load
Forget in six weeks you'll be back on
The road
When the voice in your head
Says you're better off dead
Don't open a vein
As the intensity of the music began to die down, all teens turned to see how JD was doing- who hasn't said a word since the beginning of the song. He seemed a little upset, though ignored the stares- only flinching a bit when feeling an arm around him that he didn't bother to check whos.
Just freeze your brain
Freeze your brain
Go on and freeze your brain

Try it
Veronica cleared her throat "Let's move on..yeah?" The other nodded and hummed in agreement, going back to the search bar

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