Dead Girl Walking

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"You actually threatened to damage my reputation over me throwing up?!" "You actually embarrassed me at his party!" (Y/N) stood up and huffed "Girls! Girls! You're both pretty! Now can we please watch the video? Ronnie here is gonna get enough torture." she raised a brow "Excuse me?" They just shrugged "So will the bad boy, you aren't alone." JD snapped his head over "What do you mean tortured?"
The demon queen of high school has decreed it:
She says Monday, 8AM, I will be deleted
They'll hunt me down in study hall
Stuff and mount me on the wall
Thirty hours to live
How shall I spend them?
"It's not that big of a deal..go home and act sick for a week or something." Heather Duke shrugged

I don't have to stay and die like cattle
I could change my name and ride up to Seattle
"Why Seattle?" Kurt tilted his head . Veronica shrugged "How do you expect me to know what's going through my head. Probably cause it's far away."
But I don't own a motorbike
Wait—here's an option that I like:
Spend these thirty hours gettin' freakay!
Veronica's face heated up as everyone but Martha and JD bursted our giggling and laughing "There she is! She's finally out of her shell!" Kurt yelled

I need it hard
I'm a dead girl walkin'
I'm in your yard
JD cleared his throat "Besides the fact you came over for do you know where I live?" Veronica shrugged "Future. I don't know."
I'm a dead girl walkin'
Before they punch my clock
I'm snappin' off your window lock
"Someone's eager huh? Ow! Okay okay..feisty. No need to punch me." Ram huffed
Got no time to knock
I'm a dead girl walking

Veronica? What are you doing in my room?
"Trying to fuck you." Kurt said simply "Shut up!" Veronica sighed, hiding her face in her hands.


Sorry, but I really had to wake you
See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you
JD choked on air and turned away from the others
'Cause Heather says I gots to go
You're my last meal on death row
Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!

Come on! Tonight I'm yours
I'm your dead girl walkin'
Get on all fours
"What am I? A dog?" JD muttered as Veronica lightly elbowed him "Not the time." He just smiled a little and crossed his arms.
Kiss this dead girl walkin'
Let's go, you know the drill
I'm hot and pissed and on the pill
Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!

And you know, you know, you know
It's 'cause you're beautiful
He batted his eyelashes at her "Am I really?" He whispered as she playfully punched his chest "Not one bit." Martha awed a little at that and tapped Heather McNamara "Look at them.." she whispered.
You say you're numb inside
But I can't agree
So the world's unfair
Keep it locked out there
In here it's beautiful
Let's make this beautiful!
"Wait..this is a musical. Are they actually gonna do it in front of all those people?!" Martha turned away from the screen and (Y/N) laughed "No they won't, it's just..uh well them shirtless and make suggestive movements while singing." Both JD and Veronica turned to state and (Y/N) "What?!"

That works for me!
Veronica covered Martha's eyes as (Y/N) did the same for Heather McNamara

Full steam ahead!
Take this dead girl walkin'

How'd you find my address?
"That's what is like to know." JD raised a brow "You know more info than me or something?"

Let's break the bed
Rock this dead girl walkin'!

I think you tore my mattress!

No sleep tonight for you
Better chug that Mountain Dew

"Oh shit! Did you hear how high pitched his voice got?" Ram smirked as the Heathers gagged "You two are still pervs I see."

Get your ass in gear
Make this whole town disappear!


Slap me! Pull my hair!
Veronica chocked and turned away "Nope! Hell no!" She stood up "Im out." (Y/N) chased after her "Ronnie wait! It's almost done!"
Touch me

There and there and there!

And no more talkin'


Love this dead girl walkin'

Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Yeah, yeah!

Love this dead girl walkin'

Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Wait, wait!

Love this dead girl
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

"Did..did she scratch me?" He curled up in his head and took a breath

Just as the song began to end, (Y/N) came back dragging a very flustered Veronica to the couch. After sitting her down beside JD they plopped down and grabbed the remote "Who's ready for death?"

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