Big Fun

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"Alright, get ready for a bunch of you getting drunk and acting like idiots." They looked towards Kurt and Ram "Or..more more idiotic than usual."
Dad says "Act our age"
You heard the man, it's time to rage!
"Am I in this? Tell me I'm not in this." JD pleaded and sighed happily and (Y/N) shook their head no. "You're safe from the drinking."

Blast the bass, turn out the light
Ain't nobody home tonight!

Drink, smoke, it's all cool
Let's get naked in my pool!
"That actually doesn't sound half bad.." Ram said eyeing the Heathers, only for them to whack him hard with a pillow.

Punch the wall and start a fight!
Ain't nobody home tonight!
"Okay we get it. The adults aren't home! You can shut up with that like now" JD grunted. Ram shushed him "My party, my song." The rest of them cleated their throats "Our song.."

His folks got a waterbed
Come upstairs and rest your head

Let's rub each other's backs
While watching porn on Cinemax!

The folks are gone
It's time for big fun!
Big fun!
We're up till dawn
Having some big fun!
Big fun!
When mom and dad forget
To lock the liquor cabinet
It's big fun!
Big fun!

Ok, ok, ok
So, it's salt, and then lime, and then shot?
"Wait what? What am I doing?" Veronica gagged "I would never be at a party like this!" Heather Chandler snickered "Clearly you would, the future telling musical says so."

No, it's salt, and then...

You're doing it wrong!

Really? Cause I feel great
"Someone's attitude changed a lot, huh?" Kurt laughed at a very unamused Veronica.

Veronica, you are looking good tonight!

A hot guy smiled at me
Without a trace of mockery!
"Oh come on..I'm not that bad. All I did was change outfits!" Veronica crossed her arms as Martha hugged her "Its alright.."

Everyone's high as a kite
Ain't nobody home tonight!
"We get one is home..I thought we were done with this?" JD held his face in his hands and sighed. "Idiots."

Stoned. Zoned. I should quit...
Hey, is that weed? I want a hit
"Veronica!" Martha gasped "Since when do you?!" (Y/N) sighed "Martha..she's just drunk and under bad influences. She wouldn't." Veronica mouthed a 'thank you' before turning back to the screen.

Fill that joint and roll it tight
Ain't nobody home tonight!
"I'm out." JD stood up only for (Y/N) to pull him back down by his trench coat. "Sit your ass down Dean."

Dreams are coming true
When people laugh but not at you!
I'm not alone! I'm not afraid!
I feel like Bono at Live-Aid!

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