Our Love Is God

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"Alright everyone, we're skipping Blue reprise." Veronica raises a brow "How come? What happened?" Y/N cleared their throat and sat up a bit on the couch "Well..those two over there lied to the whole school about having a sword fight in your mouth while you were out getting slushees with the emo." JD scoffed at that, the emo part- not the sword fight.
They made you cry
But that will end tonight
You are the only thing that's right
About this broken world
Heather McNamara awed quietly "How come he gets so calm and sweet yet insane?" Y/N shrugged "He just is. Aren't you emo?" He shrugged and went back to the tv.
Go on and cry
But when the morning comes
We'll burn it down and then
We'll build the world again...
Our love is God

Are you okay?
"He killed me. Obviously he's not okay. And the dead mom thing." Y/N shook their head "Wrong musical Heather."

I was alone
I was a frozen lake
But then you melted me awake
See, now I'm crying too
You're not alone
"Creeps saying 'you're not alone' isn't that bad coming from him, huh Ronnie? Loving the Bonnie and Clyde life?" Heather Duke raised a brow.

You're not alone

And when the morning comes

When the morning comes

We'll burn away that tear, and raise our city here...

Raise our city here...
"Holy shit. Not gonna lie- my actress has the best voice." Veronica smiled proudly as the others glared "That's not true! Did you hear me in Candy store?" Y/N huffed "Hush! Martha and Heather M do actually. So shut it."

Our love is God


Hi, Kurt, it's Veronica... how did you know it was always a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once?
JD raised a brow at that "Wait what's happening?" Y/N pointed to the drawn JD in the animatic "Its a..yeah a prank."

Wowuhh... lucky guess?

Well, if you want it to come true, meet me at the cemetery, at dawn

Free pussy!
"It's obviously not a prank if she went out of her way to call me." Ram cleared his throat "Us."

And we don't even have to buy it a pizza!

Punch it in! Whaat?! Hahaha!

We can start and finish wars

We're what killed the dinosaurs
"What does that even mean?" Kurt tilted his head as Y/N shook their head "Shh."
We're the asteroid that's overdue
The dinosaurs choked on the dust
They died because God said they must
The new world needed room
For me and you

I worship you
I'd trade my life for yours
They all will disappear
We'll plant our garden here

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