Paris, I'm Coming

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Part 1 : Paris, I'm Coming (sorry it short)

"All packed?"

"Yes, Mum."

"And medicines?"


"Okay, so we'll take you to airport now."

I am Eleanor Jane Calder. I am 19 years old, from Manchester. I graduated from Senior High School. I'm going to continue my college in Paris University, France.

*at the airport*

Eleanor: "Okay, I think it's time to go."

El's Mom: "I'm gonna miss you, baby." *hug Eleanor*

Eleanor: "I'm gonna miss you too Mum, and Dad too." *hug her mom and dad*

El's Dad: "Be careful, Princess. Have a fun flight."

Eleanor: "Yeeaahhh. I'm gonna call you when I arrived."

*few hours later*

Finally, I am here. I always wanted to be here. And I am here. But remember the purpose why I am here, I'm here to do my college in Paris University.

Alright, I'm gonna call my Mom.


Eleanor: "Ouch"

Louis: "Oh My God, I'm so sorry"

Eleanor: "Oh, it's okay" *taking her stuffs with Lou's help*

Louis: "I'm sorry, I'm in rush. Here's your stuff"

Eleanor: "Thank you."

Louis: "I'm sorry."

Eleanor: *smiles* Okay, I have to go."

Yeah, a boy accidentally crashed me. He helps me taking my stuffs.

Well, he actually handsome, and kind, I think. I forget to ask his name.

Oh yeah, that makes me almost forgot to call my parents. Haha.

I called my parents. Now it's time to go to my flat. I'm waiting for my friend, Ellie. Ellie lives here and we're  going to the same university.

*at the flat*

Oh finally. I'm exhausted. I rest my eyes for awhile, and then clearing up my suitcase.

I have a week break before the first day of college.

*a week later*

It's my first day. I'm waiting for Ellie. Well lucky Ellie in political-socials college too.

*at University*

We just walked to the class.

But then.....

To be continued.....

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