Chapter 10

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—Bright Vachirawit—

I woke up really late and only to find out that it's almost time that Win will be here in my place. I ate my 'late' lunch and clean up my room. I prepared everything especially the movies that Win would like. I also hope that he would open up to me about what happened yesterday at the cafeteria, and I would also like to know about what is his impression about Earn and will he go back to school with me starting from Monday again.

It's almost 6 pm when I decided that I should order pizza and prank Win that I didn't bought them hahaha I want to see his reaction. minutes passed and the delivery boy arrived, I paid the pizza and put it in my room and went back to the living room to wait for Win. Minutes passed and I heard a knock on my door and I already knew who is it so I immediately opened the door and I saw him, why does he looked so shocked? lol he's cute. wait what? i-i mean-- okay nevermind.

"Oi! why are you shirtless! Go put on some clothes!" Lol what's the matter of me being shirtless? You've seen my body since grade school and you act like a teenager who saw his crush's body for the first time.

"It's so hot in here, and what's the deal? We're both guys so there's nothing to worry about." I said confidently.

"Aish, so why did you invite me here?" Because I want to ask you a lot of stuffs but I'm afraid that you wouldn't answer it and walk away, and I felt guilty about pushing you away.

"my parents went out and I missed you." That was true, I really missed you.

"For real?" He laughed a little and looked at me and then noticed that I'm really serious.

"yeah, do I look like I'm joking right now?"

"Nah, so where's the pizza?" Finally, he asked about the pizza!

"None." I said, he lost his smile and glared at me.

"WHAT?! I'm going home." he shouted and I couldn't hide my laughter anymore.

"Lol hahaha I'm just kidding. it's already at my room so let's go upstairs." I said while laughing and I heard him murmuring something like 'you're so mean' HAHAHA

We went upstairs and Win was shocked when he saw my room all neat and tidy, and also I made a d.i.y lights on my ceiling which is on color mint and his eyes literally sparkled when he saw the pizza.

"Wow did you prepare all of these for a single night?" Of course, because it's you whom I'm with.

"yeah, you're bestfriend is cool right?"

"oh stfu."

I chuckled and let Win pick a movie that we will be watching and guess what? it's a romantic movie entitled 'The Vow', he wanted to watch that movie because he wanted to see Channing Tatum, he's really a fan of him. But there was one time when he was so obsessed with EXO and made me watch EXO Showtime and EXO Next Door, I bet he's still obsessed with EXO right now because he turned on his player awhile ago and played Baekhyun's Candy loudly, but thanks to his speaker tho because that speaker of him made me awake. So back to the film that we we're currently watching, it was a story about a married couple who had an accident which caused the woman to have an amnesia. the girl wakes up and the boy tried to win his heart again.

We are on the halfway of the movie when Win said that he was sleepy and I let him hug me since it was his habit ever since. After some minutes he literally fell asleep and I turned off the tv. He looked so cute while hugging me and I don't know what came to my mind and I posted a status on my twitter and fell asleep besides him. I didn't get the chance to ask him those questions because I don't want to ruin the moment, everything is just so perfect.

(the photo is at the top idk how to insert the photo here since i'm using my laptop lmao)

I woke up the next thing in the morning with Win still sleeping besides me, he looked so peaceful when sleeping but my arms can't take it anymore. It felt numb so i woke him up to get ready for breakfast.

"Win, wake up. Let's go have breakfast already. I'm hungry and my arm looks so battered right now since you've been using it as a pillow since last night." I said to him gently and he immediately went out of bed and looked so apologetic.

"Oh hehe sorry, I'll just wash my face and I'll be downstairs in a second."


I went outside and cleaned my face and waited for Win to come here in the dining room. We ate silently, no one spoke. I wanted to ask him about what happened at the cafeteria but I chose not to. In the end he went home and thanked me for letting him stay for one day. He even said that he'll stay at my room for 2 days because he wanted me to watch 100 Days My Prince and I said to him that maybe next time if we're not busy anymore. Damn, that boy is really addicted.

I went inside after I walked him to our gate and opened my messenger. I noticed that there we're so unread messages and I first opened our GC.

TOP'S GC (Bright is not single anymore)

Bright: Off why the fuck did you change our gc's name? And Earn didn't say 'Yes' to me so I'm still single.

Off: I know it's not Earn but it's Win.

Bright: huh?

Mew: Duh you literally slept with him last night and even tweeted about it publicly.

Bright: NO WTF?! Guys c'mon we're just bestfriends. And you also normally sleep besides Gulf so I think there's nothing wrong with it.

Mew: Because we're a couple and you're just bestfriends and people might get the wrong idea of you two.

Bright: IDC, this is my life and I can do anything without other's concerns.

Off: BTW, what did you two do last night?

Bright: We just watched a movie, that's all.

Off: That's all? you didn't said sorry about what you've done for the past weeks?

Bright: I couldn't find a timing to open up that topic since he's so happy awhile ago.

Off: damn.

Bright: i know.

Off: Wanna hang out at my place?

Bright: Nah, I'm still sleepy

Off: okay

Ugh when will I ever find the chance to say sorry to him? I didn't even got the chance to ask him if he's alright or not, I am a terrible bestfriend. or maybe he just needs some time, maybe he's the one who will open up about his problem. yes that's right Bright. but what if he'll not gonna share his problems? and besides I'm terrible at advising but at least I'm a good listener and a great shoulder to cry on.

After thinking all of the possibilities and the what if's I fell asleep once again.

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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