Chapter 22

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—Bright Vachirawit—

I gently opened my eyes when I felt the flare of the sun passing through the window brightly with a soft refreshing breeze coming from the air outside. I looked across the room and saw that I'm still at Win's and when I looked at my side he's already not there. I went to his bathroom to wash my face and went downstairs to find him and saw his back at the kitchen cooking something. He must be so focused on cooking breakfast because he didn't noticed me walking to the kitchen and purposely dragged the chair for me to sit and for him to look at me. I didn't noticed the time but I'm sure it's still early so I went back upstairs to look for my phone and played a game at the kitchen. Minutes passed and Win is still not finished and he's still not facing me, so I put down my phone and start observing him. He looked so blank today but despite of that he still has a well-built body and a perfect posture, I'm sure girls would be lucky to have him not to mention how hardworking he is and he's also funny. I wonder if he already has a girlfriend or what's the deal between him and Luke? They've really gotten close these past few days and I can sense it that Luke is into him. I haven't got the chance to ask him what's between them because of what happened last night. What came to my mind last night that I did 'that' to him? but the weirdest thing is that why did I liked it? I am such an asshole, I drove Win into this mess. I took his first kiss that should've been memorable and sweet, but isn't being kissed by his best friend a memorable thing already?

I got distracted by the overflowing thoughts that continuously entering my mind and didn't noticed that I'm still staring at Win so he must be shocked when he saw me staring at him. I also got shocked by his sudden move but I didn't made it too obvious and greeted him instead.

"Good Morning Win." I tried making myself as normal as possible in front of him and act like nothing happened.

"Good Morning Bright, how long are you sitting there and how's your sleep?". He asked, why can't he look straightly at my eye? Is he still affected of what happened last night just like me?

"It was good but it's been years and you still haven't get rid of your sleeping habit? You almost fell into the bed four times so I hugged you as usual for you not to fall." That was just and excuse, the truth is that he never really moved when we slept last night I just really don't know what came to my mind that I kissed him again and hugged him afterwards.

"A-ahh its really hard to get rid of it but I shouldn't be worried of falling into the bed because you're here to catch me right?" He asked innocently but why do I feel like there's something more about his question? Or am I just being paranoid again?

"Yeah if you'll let me stay here everyday then I'll also catch you every night for you not to fall." Dang, what did I just say? I must be out of my mind, the words just escaped through my mouth and I wasn't even thinking properly.

"You are so cheesy today Bright hahaha c'mon let's eat the food is getting warm already." He just laughed and I don't know why but I kinda got disappointed about his answer, I was hoping that he would say that I can stay at his house and be with him everyday.

After eating I volunteered to wash the dishes which he agreed and went to the bathroom to take a bath. I started washing the plates that we used and after that I went to the living room to wait for him. I saw some of our pictures at the living room, his family's photo and his picture when he graduated high school. In our picture, we looked thinner and shorter because we are still kids. I can still remember how this photo was taken by her mom, this was when we had a picnic on the park and he wanted to eat an ice cream but he doesn't have any money so I bought him one and he looked so happy. He asked his mom to take a picture of us and we smiled so widely while looking at her camera.

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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