Chapter 16

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--Bright Vachirawit--

Have you ever felt like there was something missing or something was being taken away from you? Have you ever felt like being dependent to a person and then one day that person just distanced himself from you? Have you ever felt about wanting to keep that person to yourself and don't let anybody else own him too? I don't know, my feelings have been blur. I'm still not sure, it was the first time I saw him happy with someone else. Maybe I was just used to being with him all the time and I didn't notice that he also needs space for him to be in his own world. I guess you already know who that person is.

I saw him during lunch time at our cafeteria, he stared at me and I did too. I waved my hand and he did exactly the same thing I did, it was really weird how he ignored me after waving at me and went to the table of Dim? How did he knew him? I observed their table and I saw Green, maybe he was the reason why Gulf, Gun and Win went to Dim's table. I noticed how he was being attached with Luke, did they meet before? He didn't told me that they we're close. He smiled a lot bigger than he was with me, he didn't laughed shyly when he was with him but he giggled shyly when he was with me. Wait-- why am I even comparing? He also deserved to be happy like that, he looked so problematic these past few months and he doesn't even tell me what's his problem. I felt like a useless friend to him.

"Bright are you okay? You seemed so blank today, is there something wrong?" Earn said looking concerned. Right, I am still with her today, I really don't get it but why am I feeling weak right now? It's as if I can't move, I want to speak but there we're no words that escaped to my mouth.

"I'm fine maybe I just woke up at the wrong side of the bed." I smiled at her and continued to eat my lunch, maybe Earn felt that I was off for today and didn't bothered to ask me further. I'm sorry Earn, I'll make it up to you, I just really don't know what happened to me today. It's kinda weird.

After eating, we went back at our room and continued our discussion. Mew asked Earn about what happened to me but she just shrugged and said that he should just ask me not her.

"Dude what's the problem with you? You seemed so off today." Mew said, I even don't know what's the problem with me.

"What would you feel if the person you've been with is also happy with someone else?"

"Who's that person Bright?"

"Never mind, let's just listen to our professor."

What's the problem with me?

After hours of just doing nothing but listening to the professor's boring discussion, it's already time to go home. Earn and I went to the parking lot silently, I opened the door for her and when I checked my back I saw Win. What is he doing here? Did he went here to see me? Or he needs a lift home? I smiled at the thought that he's here because of me or am I wrong?

"Hi Win"


"What—" are you doing here? That was supposed to be my line but I couldn't finished my sentence because Luke shouted. So he's the reason why Win went here? And not for me? Why are they going home together?

"Sorry Bright I need to go, Luke is waiting for me. I'll go now, see you around." He said and smiled. I couldn't move, I don't know but I can't bare seeing him with someone else. What am I feeling right now? I saw Luke opened the door for him at the shotgun and they drove away, far away from me.

I felt sad upon seeing him with someone else, it feels like he drifted apart from me. The way he said those words awhile ago, it feels like I'm a complete stranger to him. I just also went inside because I remembered that Earn is still there, she asked my permission if she could connect her phone on my stereo and I said yes. She then played the song 'Won't cry' by Jay Chou. I smiled bitterly when I heard the line 妳會微笑放手, 說好不哭讓我走 (we agreed not to cry and just let go)  Earn saw my reaction and asked,

"Do you know this song?"

"Yes haha I like listening to Jay Chou's songs."

"Oh so you can speak mandarin?"

"Just a little bit, I'm still learning hahaha but how did you know this song?"

"My cousin who currently lives in China recommended me this song even if I can't understand a single bit of this song."

"But now do you know the lyrics well?"

"Nah I have no time to ask her what's the meaning of this song and didn't got the chance to browse the meaning on google. But since you can understand mandarin, do you know the meaning of this song?"

"It's about a couple where let's just say a guy let's go of the girl but he's the only one who can't move on from their relationship. He thought that the girl gave up on him already but she's still there waiting for the guy to come back and she even defended the guy saying that she's the one who left. The girl really loves the guy, I sometimes thought that is there still a person who really likes you even though you didn't like that person and still waits for you even if there is no guarantee that you will like that person back."

"Maybe there is but were just too blind too see who's really there for us but if that person comes, we should never let go of them because they are very rare to find. Some may be willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the one's he love. But that's a good song haha I never thought it was so deep."


After I said that I didn't talked anymore and focused on driving. Minutes passed and we arrived at her house, she said goodbye and I did the same. I drove off to our subdivision and stopped outside our house. Is Win here yet? After I said that to myself I saw a familiar car and Win went out of that car. He smiled and said goodbye to that person on the car and then he looked at my direction, he must've questioned why my car is still outside but thank God my car is tinted. He went inside his house and after a few minutes I went inside of my house.

I don't know why I'm acting like this, but I really don't like seeing him with someone else. My chest feels a little weird, it feels like its being squeezed, I can't breathe.

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【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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