Chapter 28

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--Win Metawin--

I looked at Bright and he's still ordering the coffee and I still couldn't believe that he confessed to me last night. It feels so surreal and I want to slap myself to check if I'm still dreaming or not but I couldn't since this is a public place and people might get the wrong idea of me being crazy, crazy in love with my bestfriend. I couldn't imagine that he's already here with me, it seemed like yesterday when I was still going here all alone and talking to the owner if I came too early and there isn't too much costumer but now I am already with him. I didn't expect that my life would be this exciting since the day he confessed, I guess waiting for him was the right and best thing that I did. Now he's currently waiting for our order while talking to the owner, wait--do they know each other? gosh I am really in a dangerous situation right now, what if the owner will tell Bright about my emo moments before? God I hope he wouldn't because that would definitely be so embarrassing.

I don't know what came to my mind last night that I also confessed to him and made him stay at my room. I just recently said hours ago that we can't stay there for too long because we still have classes tomorrow and we can't ditch class but we're actually doing it now. He's such a bad influence hahaha just kidding. I don't know actually what's his plan for today because he just dragged me here at the coffee shop to buy coffee after we bought our food. Well, a surprise maybe? I stared at him getting the coffees he ordered at the counter and walked towards at my direction. He's so handsome and there is no doubt why girls here are staring at him, but sorry because he's already taken--soon.

"Win shall we head home now? I'm hungry and I want to have some fun already." Bright said and took my hand, I was shocked at first but guess what? We went out of the coffee shop with our hands intertwined. I don't care what people would say behind at the coffee shop but what's important is that we are both happy.

We went inside the car and drove to my house. While driving I couldn't get out of my head what Bright and the owner of the coffee shop is talking. So I asked him,

"Bright awhile ago at the coffee shop I saw you and the owner talking. What did he said? Did he mention something about me?" I nervously asked. He just smiled while still looking at the road and shrugged.

"We didn't talk too much since he got customers to attend to but we talked about coffees since he noticed you when we entered his coffee shop and guessed if I was your bestfriend since you said that the coffee you always bought was for me hahaha."

"D-did he said something other than that?"

"Nah why? Are you having an affair behind my back?" He said and acted like he was angry but he is actually cute right now.

"No hahaha nothing and he's married Bright! andicouldnevercheatonyou."

"What? I didn't get you at the last sentence, what was it?"

"Never mind just focus on the road I don't want to die young." Thank God the owner didn't ended me, I actually don't know how to face Bright if he'll know what I've been saying to the owner before.

We arrived at my house minutes after and ate the breakfast we bought. Later on he went home saying that I should get ready because the destination is still a 30-minute ride and he also said that I should just wear casual clothes. So I went inside at my bathroom and took a shower and later on picked a simple cloth to wear. I didn't prepared that much but I did wore my mask because I'm scared that my classmates would saw me and questioned why I was absent today.

I went to the living room and waited for Bright to come. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door which I thought it was already him. I opened the door and I was shocked not because of what he wore but I was shocked why he was holding a luggage. Wait, are we going on a trip? Or are we running away?

"Bright are we going to runaway--" He didn't let me finish my sentence and laughed at the top of his lungs. Why what's wrong with my question? He looked so down awhile ago but now never mind.

"No Win hahaha I just want to ask if I can live with you, or should I even ask? I know you also want me stay by your side and besides you can't say no because I already packed some of my clothes and important stuffs with me." Where did he got his confidence? But he's right tho and I want him to stay by my side.

"Come inside, gladly you'll be staying with me from now on so that I won't be waking up too early to cook breakfast cuz you're already here." I said, well that was partly true and we can buy the coffee he likes together starting today. I was expecting that he would say that he will just retreat and won't live with me anymore because it looks like I just made him my helper but he replied with his sweetest smile that I've ever seen,

"I'd be glad to wake up every morning with a sight of you and I'd be the luckiest man to see you in that state. I'm also willing to cook breakfast for us as long as you'd still buy me a coffee."

"But can you minimize drinking coffee? I'm afraid that it might affect your sleep."

"Are you worried?"

"Yes." I looked away.

"Well I think I can do that but first can we go now? Time is running so we need to hurry."

"Where are we going?"

"That's a secret for now."

We went inside his car and drove off to somewhere unfamiliar. I'm not really an outside person, I just rather sit at my couch or lay on my bed and watch videos of EXO. At the whole ride I just didn't talked not because I don't want to but because I am observing the road if it looked familiar to me or not because honestly I am really curious about the place that we'll gonna go. Maybe it's an amusement park or I really don't have any clue.

While Bright was driving I didn't noticed that I fell asleep. After some time I just felt that someone was staring at me so I gently opened my eyes and he smiled,

"We're already here."

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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