Chapter 32

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--Win Metawin--

I arrived at our house and it's almost dinner time when I smelled something nice at the kitchen and I hurriedly went there to check who's cooking and I saw Bright in a cute apron with strawberry design, it was honestly mine but since he doesn't have an apron here he used mine. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him when the shutter made a noise and Bright noticed it and immediately turned around and saw me hiding my face with my phone. God that was so scary and I felt ashamed of myself.

"Oi why did you do that?"

"Secret." He looked at me suspiciously and looked back at the pan to continue what he cooked. I want to tell him that he looked cute in my apron but I'm too shy to tell it to him so I just went upstairs to change. When I went downstairs the table was already set and when I looked at Bright he looked so hot while wiping off his sweat at his forehead. He looked at me and offered me to sit at the vacant seat in front of him.

I sat at his front and we started eating. We didn't talked to each other maybe because we are both hungry and I can't look at him because I'm too focused at the food he cooked. I admit he's a good cook, he's better than me and I really envy him because he can cook.

"Win how was your talk with Luke?" He asked suddenly.

"It was good, how about you and Earn?" I said and asked the same thing he questioned.

"It was also good, it turns out all our suspicions are true they are both engaged and doing fine now. I'm glad everything's fine now and I can have you 24/7."

"Shut up! L-let's eat!" aish this human! why does he need to make my heart beat faster every time he blabbers corny things.

"But by the way our Family Camp is getting near Win, what's your plan?" Yeah right, I haven't thought of that yet. I almost forgot that it's already December and our camp is getting near.

"Hmmm nothing much just the same stuffs, I guess I'll have to let our parents decide what activities are we gonna do that time."

"Wanna help me pack some clothes?"

"Seriously? you still don't know how to pack your clothes?"

"No, pretty please help me." he said and flashed a puppy face, I looked away immediately because I can't stand seeing him being cute.

"Yeah yeah fine whatever let's just clean and wash the dishes."

"nah let me do the dishes." he said and I couldn't argue with him anymore so I just went upstairs and grabbed a bag of popcorn and started watching a movie while Bright is washing the plates we used.

After a few minutes Bright knocked at my room and went inside and joined me watching the movie. He was touching my hair but I ignored it because I was so focused on the movie. We continued watching the movie when we suddenly heard a ringtone and I assumed it was Bright's so he grabbed his own phone at the table on the bedside and I really didn't mean to gossip but I looked slightly at his phone to check who's the caller and I was relieved that it was just his mom who is calling. He then went out of the bed and asked permission if he could take this call and I said yes so he went out of the terrace and I continued watching the film.

He went back inside and asked me if he wants to talk with his mom and I said yes so I grabbed his phone and talked to his mom;

"Hi mommy." I greeted her through the phone with a happy tone. I really missed her, it's been so long since I last talked to them.

"Hello Win how are you? how is your studies? Did Bright gave you a hard time during his stay there?"

"We're good mommy and also my studies are good, and Bright didn't gave me a hard time hahaha instead I'm glad that he stayed here because I can get to eat homemade meals often and I can go to school freely because we are going inside the campus together."

"Oh that's good Win because when Bright said that he'll stay at your house I was worried because you know how naughty Bright is but I'm glad that he's doing good."

"Yes hahaha by the way mom can you and mommy plan for the outing instead? I might have to focus on my studies this week and I'm afraid that I'll get mixed up the plan and lessons hehe."

"Sure Win I'll just contact your mom later and we'll be the one to plan the outing."

"Yes mommy thanks.

"Sure baby I'll hang up now take care you two okay?"


After Bright's mom said that, she hanged up the phone and after that I saw Bright's wallpaper I was shocked but my heart melt at the sudden realization that the kids behind his wallpaper was us. It was taken when we went to Disney Land when we we're just 10 and I seriously looked like a mess but it's okay as long as I'm with him on that picture.

I didn't notice that I was already staring at his phone for too long when he suddenly hit me with a pillow softly on my head and I went back to my senses.

"Why'd you keep staring at my wallpaper for so long? is there a problem?" he asked while chuckling.

"Nothing, I just looked like a mess here. Look at my messy hair, the ice cream smudge on my lips and my plain shirt. I know you also looked like me but at least we had fun back there, where did you even found that picture?"

"I checked your mom's post on face book once and saw this pic so I saved it a long time ago and now I decided to make it as my wallpaper because I think we look cute together." He smirked and looked at me. Geez why does he always give me that look on his face and also his cheesy but sweet lines? I don't want him to see that I lost and think that I'd just give up and be a baby but no so time for a little playback.

"I am cute but you're not." I said seriously while looking straightly into his eyes that made him look down as if he was a little kid that has a toy and it was stolen from him. When he didn't reply I added some words that made him look back at me.

"because you are the most handsome person I ever met. Well, except for my dad since I saw him fir--"

He didn't let me finished my sentence and pulled me to my bed. He then tickles me until I couldn't breathe because of too much happiness.

"Sleep with me?" wait what?! what did he just say? did I heard that right?

"W-what are you saying Bright?" I looked at him like I was scared and I know y'all are thinking about that too but I was wrong when he suddenly laughed.

"No Win hahaha not that thing you're thinking but cuddle with me, I want to sleep already. Maybe I'm a little tired since it's finals and tomorrow is the last day of school and finally Christmas break!"

"O-oh hahaha then let's go to sleep." I awkwardly said without looking at him. Dang that was too embarrassing.

"Or do you wanna do something else?" He smirked and I punched him at his arms. He laughed hysterically while I'm here believing that I'm really as red as a tomato.

"Shut up Bright!"

After I said that we both arranged my bed to make it more comfortable to sleep. I guess it's a well spent day and I just knew that after a few minutes I already fell asleep in Bright's arms.

[ a follow and comment would be appreciated ^_^ ]

ps. only a chapter left and we're down to epilogue :))

【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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