Chapter 21

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—Win Metawin—

My first kiss happened on a Saturday night with my best friend under the starry skies and peaceful night. I woke up feeling confused about everything, I want to ask questions to him and shout everything that's on my mind but where should I start? I can't just go straight at him and said that 'why did you kissed me last night? what's the meaning of that kiss?' I'm scared to ask him everything that's on my mind because what if it'll turn out the way I wasn't expecting it to be? What if he'll say that why am I so affected by that when it's only just a kiss? Yes, it was only just a kiss but some people say that first kisses should be treasured because it was when two people share their heart beat as one and the most magical feeling you'll ever experience. Is it true? Hmmm did I also experienced it last night? I don't know, all I could say is that sharing my first kiss to the one I love made my heart melt and the timing was just so exquisite yet so wrong, it may sound so cliche but that's what I really felt. All my longings, my worries, my doubts, the pain I felt for the past months has been washed away by that kiss. It just seemed so perfect but how about his feelings? How can I be so happy here knowing that I just made a mistake? Maybe I should just treasure what happened on that night because it may be the last night that I felt something magical and almost surreal. After this he'll come back to her and our friendship may completely fall apart because of what happened last night.

Is it weird to have a dream after your first kiss? I can't remember the details clearly but all I could remember was that Bright kissed me again and said that he also stole my second kiss. Aahh I feel so shy all of a sudden, I don't know if that was just normal or not. I went out of my bed but I felt something heavy on my stomach, I slowly looked what's that heavy thing on my tummy and almost screamed at what I saw. IT WAS BRIGHT'S ARM! He's still here? I thought he already left since I really woke up late on weekends and he knows that but it turns out that he's still asleep. I felt hungry all of a sudden and checked the time on my phone, it's still 9 A.M. and I gently held Bright's arms away from me and went out of my room to cook breakfast for us.

I am already on the kitchen preparing lunch for us when I suddenly imagined ourselves being a newlywed couples. I woke up early to prepare breakfast for him and after I prepared our breakfast I'll call him to went downstairs and we both can eat the food I prepared. After eating the breakfast I prepared he then went to the bathroom to take a bath to get ready for work while I'm here washing the dishes and also made my self presentable in front of my workmates and after working we both headed home and just cuddled until we both fell asleep. It would've been the best feeling I'll experience but i was all just an imagination. I smiled pathetically at what I just thought and continued preparing our breakfast. After preparing our breakfast I'll go upstairs to call Bright to eat breakfast with me but before I could do that he's already at the table staring at me. I was shocked and couldn't move, how long was he in there? Is he watching me the whole time without me noticing him? dang

"Good Morning Win." He greeted me like nothing happened. Maybe I was the only one who's affected and acting paranoid here.

"Good Morning Bright, how long are you sitting there and how's your sleep?". I tried acting and sounded as normal as I should be but I still can't look straight into his eyes.

"It was good but it's been years and you still haven't get rid of your sleeping habit? You almost fell into the bed four times so I hugged you as usual for you not to fall." He said casually, 'but I already fell for you, are you scared that I'll get hurt if I fall? Well news flash Bright, I already fell and been hurt without you knowing.' That's the exact words that I wanted to say at him but I couldn't find any confidence to say to him directly.

"A-ahh its really hard to get rid of it but I shouldn't be worried of falling into the bed because you're here to catch me right?" I also hoped that you would catch my heart even if it's already broken to pieces already, I hope you'll be the one who'll mend it even though you're the one who broke it.

He looked straightly into me eyes with a soft smile and calmly said, "Yeah if you'll let me stay here everyday then I'll also catch you every night for you not to fall." He never failed to make my heart beats faster each and every day.

"You are so cheesy today Bright hahaha c'mon let's eat the food is getting warm already." I tried to sound normal and made the atmosphere lively and I guessed it worked because after I sat at my seat we started eating and talked random topics and he'll make a joke out of it, he seemed too good at acting like that kiss never happened last night. I tried to went along with his jokes and we ended up laughing and catching our breathes. He volunteered to wash the dishes so I went upstairs to take a bath.

After taking a bath I went downstairs again and found him on the living room watching Sing For You by EXO. He's still here? Is he seriously gonna stay here everyday? Is he moving here with me when his house is just besides mine? stupid Win of course he's just here because he's bored and he's also alone in his house. I don't have the courage to ask him why is he still in my house so I just sat besides him and asked a different question instead. I know I am stupid, there's a part of me that still wants him here at my house and wants to see him every minute.

"So why are you watching Sing For You when it's clearly not Christmas? Why don't we watch Love Shot instead, let's dance and copy Kai's dance steps." I tried opening up the conversation between us bu he just smiled and continued watching the video. Is he ignoring me? The audacity to ignore me when he's in fact at my house and he's not the one who'll pay my electricity bill.

When he doesn't bother to speak I just also watched the video silently, we were silent for awhile and the song from the tv was all I could hear until Bright spoke, "Do you know what's the meaning of that song Win?" I looked at him with a confused face as a sign that I don't know what's the meaning behind that song. I've heard the song a couple of times but I didn't browsed the meaning of the song because I thought that it was just a Christmas song because it was on a winter album, I didn't know there's still a different meaning behind those song.

"I think the meaning of that song regardless of the music video is that there's a person who is scared of confessing his/her feelings to a certain someone because he's scared, confused, in doubt and don't have courage to confess his real feelings to the one he loves. The person wanted to say to that person how much he/she means to him/her and how the way he/she smiles or cries is already meaningful to that person and that person is grateful to have him/her but the person is afraid and his/her pride won't allow it. So he picked a perfect timing to confess it all with an old guitar, he's not a wordy person but I hope his love would listen to him because he'll only say it once even though it's awkward." I looked at him while saying those words and I can see how serious he is when he spoke all of that. Is he scared of confessing his feelings to Earn? I could tell that he's not a shy and awkward person but why is he telling this all of a sudden? or maybe I am being paranoid again?

"A-are you perhaps confessing to Earn? Don't you have the courage to tell all your feelings to her?" I couldn't stop myself from questioning that, I'm getting more curious about the real score between them.

"I'm confused about everything ever since that happened and I couldn't stop thinking about that and it makes me go insane, excuse me I'll head home now. See you tomorrow Win." He looked at me with a sad expression and went out of my house, I stared at his figure slowly fading away from my sight.

What does he mean about confused since that happened? Does 'that' thing he's talking about was when the night we kissed? Or did something happened between him and Earn. Or does he knew about Luke and Earn? I couldn't get him out of my mind that night. Bright please say something already, I am so full of what ifs here and how or what or why?! I think I'm the one who'll go insane first because of your words. Your words that gave me hope to continue loving you even if sometimes it's too much.

 Your words that gave me hope to continue loving you even if sometimes it's too much

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【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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